I am trying to automate the azure resource deployment using powershell.
Requirments : In a particular resource group(RG), there are multiple VMs. the naming convention are like,
I am trying to create a script which will look for the last sequence(is this case 03) and deploy the next VM with next sequence(here it should be 04).
I have the script to deploy the VM using powershell. Need help to fix the sequence logic.
CodePudding user response:
I have a similar requirement and have been working on down the following route. In my case the numeric value is on the third element of the name, but I put in your value in hope this works for you.
# I created an Array to hold the values returned from splitting the Name string.
$CurrentVal = @()
# Used a ForEach loop to Get VM in required Resource Group
ForEach ($vmName in (Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName <resourcegroupName>).Name){
# Convert to Decimal the Split String
$vmNum = [Decimal]($vmName.split('-')[5])
#Add to the Array
$CurrentVal = $Currentval $vmNum
#Then got the value.
($Currentval | measure -maximum).Maximum
With the returned value, I can then ceate the next VM.
CodePudding user response:
As a general reusable solution:
function Get-NextString {
param ([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)][String]$InputObject)
begin {
$Last, $Name = $Null
process {
$Name, $Sequence = $_ -Split '(?=\d*$)', 2
if ([int]$Sequence -gt $Last) { $Last = $Sequence }
end {
$Name (1 $Last).ToString("D$($Last.Length)")
$List =
$List |Get-NextString
param ([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)][String]$InputObject)
accepts (multiple) strings from the pipeline, each string is processed as$_
, the current item- For the
blocks, read about Functions Advanced Methods $Name, $Sequence = $_ -Split '(?=\d*$)', 2
splits the current sting in the prefix ($name
) and the sequence number. See also: Regular Expressionif ([int]$Sequence -gt $Last) { $Last = $Sequence }
catch the highest number- The
in front of the$Sequence
will force an numeric comparison
- The
$Name (1 $Last).ToString("D$($Last.Length)")
outputs the new string.(1 $Last)
increase the$Last
number with 1. Note that the$Last
string will be automatically cast to an integer as the operant at the left hand side of the operator is an integer (1
will format the sequence to the same number of digits as contained by$Last
, see also: Pad a Number with Leading Zeros