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Python Dataframe find the file type, choose the correct pd.read_ and merge them


I have a list of files to be imported into the data frame


# list contains the dataset name followed by the column name to match all the datasets; this list keeps changing and even the file formats. These dataset file names are provided by the user, and they are unique. 
# First: find the file extension format and select appropriate pd.read_ to import
# second: merge the dataframes on the index

# in the below list, 
file_list = ['dataset1.csv','datetime','dataset2.xlsx','timestamp']

df = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(0:2:len(file_list)):
   # find the file type first
   # presently, I don't know how to find the file type; so 
   file_type = 'csv'
   # second: merge the dataframe into the existing dataframe on the index
   tdf = pd.DataFrame()
   if file_type == 'csv': 
       tdf = pd.read_csv('%s'%(file_list[i])))
   if file_type == 'xlsx': 
       tdf = pd.read_excel('%s'%(file_list[i])))
   tdf.set_index('%s'%(file_list[i 1]),inplace=True)
   # Merge dataframe with the existing dataframe
   df = df.merge(tdf,right_index=True,left_index=True)

I reached this far. Is any direct module available to find the file type? I found magic but it has issues while importing it. Also, suggest a better approach to merge the files? Update: Working solution Inspired from the @ljdyer answer below, I came with the following and this is working perfectly:

  def find_file_type_import(file_name):
    # Total file extensions possible for importing data
    file_type = {'csv':'pd.read_csv(file_name)',
    df = [eval(val) for key,val in file_type.items() if file_name
    return df
  df = find_file_type_import(file_list [0])

This is working perfectly. Thank you for your valuable suggestions. ALso, correct me with the use of eval is good one or not?

CodePudding user response:

The file type is just the three or four letters at the end of the file name, so the simplest way to do this would just be:

if file_list[i].endswith('csv'):


Other commons options would be os.path.splitext or the suffix attribute of a Path object from the built-in os and pathlib libraries respectively.

The way you are merging looks fine, but I'm not sure why you are using percent notation for the parameters to read_, set_index, etc. The elements of your list are just strings anyway, so for example

tdf = pd.read_csv('%s'%(file_list[i])))

could just be:

tdf = pd.read_csv(file_list[i])

CodePudding user response:

You can use glob (or even just os) to retrieve the list of files from a part of their name. Since you guarantee the uniqueness of the file irrespective of the extension, it will only be one (otherwise just put a loop that iterates over the retrieved elements).

Once you have the full file name (which clearly has the extension), just do a split() taking the last element obtained that corresponds to the file extension.

Then, you can read the dataframe with the appropriate function.

Here is an example of code:

from glob import glob

file_list = [
    'dataset0',  # corresponds to dataset0.csv
    'dataset1',  # corresponds to dataset1.xlsx

for file in file_list:
    files_with_curr_name = glob(f'*{file}*')

    if len(files_with_curr_name) > 0:
        full_file_name = files_with_curr_name[0]  # take the first element, the uniqueness of the file name being guaranteed

        # extract the file extension (string after the dot, so the last element of split)
        file_type = full_file_name.split(".")[-1]

        if file_type == 'csv':
            print(f'Read {full_file_name} as csv')
            # df = pd.read_csv(full_file_name)
        elif file_type == 'xlsx':
            print(f'Read {full_file_name} as xlsx')
            print(f"Don't read {full_file_name}")

Output will be:

Read dataset0.csv as csv
Read dataset1.xlsx as xlsx
Don't read dataset2.a

CodePudding user response:

Using pathlib and a switch dict to call functions.

from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd

def main(file: Path) -> None:
    caller = {
        ".csv": read_csv,
        ".xlsx": read_excel,
        ".pkl": read_pickle


def read_csv(file: Path) -> pd.DataFrame:
    return pd.read_csv(file)

def read_excel(file: Path) -> pd.DataFrame:
    return pd.read_excel(file)

def read_pickle(file: Path) -> pd.DataFrame:
    return pd.read_pickle(file)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    files = [x for x in Path(f"{Path().home()}/Documents/").glob("*") if x.suffix in [".csv", ".xlsx", ".pkl"]]
    [main(x) for x in files]
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