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How to make lists equal a quadrilateral in Python?


I am having difficulty figuring out to make user-entered lists of numbers equal a quadrilateral, specifically a rhombus and square, in Python. I do not know if my code needs a function or loops or if/else statements to know if it is a rhombus or square.

So far, I have this, but I can't figure out how to go through each side to find out if they are equal to each other or if angle 1 equals angle 2, etc. Which afterwards, I would determine if it the numbers that the user entered made a list that equaled a rhombus or square. Excuse the confusing sentences, I tried to make my problem as clear as possible. Thank you for taking your time to help, if you do!

Edit: I tried a function, but found that it was too complicated by itself. I want to figure out how to search through each list's elements and make sure that they equal/match each other. Thank you!

A rhombus has

  1. All four sides the same length
  2. Angle 1 equals Angle 3
  3. Angle 2 equals Angle 4

A square has

  1. All four sides the same length.
  2. All angles equal to each other
while True:

# Input, Validation, Repetition

    print("=== Please enter Sides ===\n")
    sList = [] # list for sides
    for i in range(0,4,1):
        sides = float(input("Please enter side %i : " %(i   1 ) ) )
        if sides < 0:
            sides = float(input("Value must be positive! Please enter side %i : " %(i   1 )))

    print("=== Please enter angles ===\n")
    aList = [] # list for angles
    for i in range(0,4,1):
        angles = float(input("Please enter angle %i : " %(i   1 ) ) )
        if angles < 0:
            angles = float(input("Value must be positive! Please enter angle %i : " %(i   1 )))

# Rhombus
    if sList == sList and aList[1] == aList[3] and aList[2] == aList[4]:
        print("This is a rhombus\n")
    if sList == aList:
        print("This is a square!\n")

    keep = input("Would you like to repeat? (1-Yes, 2-No): ")
    if keep != '1':

CodePudding user response:

Here's an approach that should work.

First, define a function that evaluates your conditions to check whether something is a rhombus.

def is_rhombus(sList, aList):
    if len(set(sList)) == 1 and aList[0] == aList[2] and aList[1] == aList[3]:
        return True
        return False

is_rhombus checks whether the set obtained by converting sList into a set has a length of 1 - if yes, that means all members of sList were equal to each other. It also checks whether opposite angles in aList are equal to each other. if both conditions are satisfied, it returns True, else returns False.

Next, because we know all rhombuses are squares, but not necessarily the other way round, we create another function called is_square:

def is_square(sList, aList):
    if is_rhombus(sList, aList) and len(set(aList)) == 1:
        return True
        return False

is_square also takes sList and aList, and it calls the previously defined function is_rhombus. If the shape IS a rhombus, is_square checks whether in addition to being a rhombus, all the angles are equal - using the same approach employed by is_rhombus above.

Finally, with both these functions defined, we enter your while True loop, and after we get the sides and angles from the user, we go into a little if-elif-else block where we first check whether the shape is a square - because that's the narrowest option available to us. If the shape is a square, we print a message to the screen accordingly. If it's not a square, it could still be a rhombus, so we check for that. If it is a rhombus, we print that message to screen. If it's not even a rhombus, we say it's not a rhombus (no point also saying it's not a square - if it's not a rhombus, it can't possibly be a square).

while True:

# Input, Validation, Repetition

    print("=== Please enter Sides ===\n")
    sList = [] # list for sides
    for i in range(0,4,1):
        sides = float(input("Please enter side %i : " %(i   1 ) ) )
        if sides < 0:
            sides = float(input("Value must be positive! Please enter side %i : " %(i   1 )))

    print("=== Please enter angles ===\n")
    aList = [] # list for angles
    for i in range(0,4,1):
        angles = float(input("Please enter angle %i : " %(i   1 ) ) )
        if angles < 0:
            angles = float(input("Value must be positive! Please enter angle %i : " %(i   1 )))

# Rhombus
    if is_square(sList, aList):
        print ('This is a square!')
    elif is_rhombus(sList, aList):
        print ('This is a rhombus!')
        print ('This is not a rhombus.')
    keep = input("Would you like to repeat? (1-Yes, 2-No): ")
    if keep != '1':

Trialling this on a square:

=== Please enter Sides ===

Please enter side 1 : 40

Please enter side 2 : 40

Please enter side 3 : 40

Please enter side 4 : 40

=== Please enter angles ===

Please enter angle 1 : 90

Please enter angle 2 : 90

Please enter angle 3 : 90

Please enter angle 4 : 90

This is a square!

Would you like to repeat? (1-Yes, 2-No): n

Trialling this on a rhombus:

=== Please enter Sides ===

Please enter side 1 : 40

Please enter side 2 : 40

Please enter side 3 : 40

Please enter side 4 : 40

=== Please enter angles ===

Please enter angle 1 : 60

Please enter angle 2 : 120

Please enter angle 3 : 60

Please enter angle 4 : 120

This is a rhombus!

Would you like to repeat? (1-Yes, 2-No): n

Lastly, trialling it on a non-rhombus:

=== Please enter Sides ===

Please enter side 1 : 5

Please enter side 2 : 6

Please enter side 3 : 4

Please enter side 4 : 3

=== Please enter angles ===

Please enter angle 1 : 10

Please enter angle 2 : 20

Please enter angle 3 : 40

Please enter angle 4 : 30

This is not a rhombus.

Would you like to repeat? (1-Yes, 2-No): n

Of course it bears remembering that any shape with four equal sides is a rhombus. That opposite angles will be equal to each other is an attribute of rhombuses, not a criterion for something to be a rhombus. Recognising this, you could redefine your is_rhombus function differently to ignore aList altogether, and rely only on sList to tell us whether the shape is a rhombus.

def is_rhombus(sList):
    if sum(sList)/4 == sList[0]:
        return True
        return False

Then, we change the way we call these functions - if the shape isn't a rhombus, why make the user enter a bunch of angles? You could rearrange your while True block like this:

while True:

# Input, Validation, Repetition

    print("=== Please enter Sides ===\n")
    sList = [] # list for sides
    for i in range(0,4,1):
        sides = float(input("Please enter side %i : " %(i   1 ) ) )
        if sides < 0:
            sides = float(input("Value must be positive! Please enter side %i : " %(i   1 )))
    if is_rhombus(sList):
        print("=== Please enter angles ===\n")
        aList = [] # list for angles
        for i in range(0,4,1):
            angles = float(input("Please enter angle %i : " %(i   1 ) ) )
            if angles < 0:
                angles = float(input("Value must be positive! Please enter angle %i : " %(i   1 )))
        if is_square(sList, aList):
            print ('This is a square!')
            print ('This is a rhombus!')
        print ('This is not a rhombus.')

    keep = input("Would you like to repeat? (1-Yes, 2-No): ")
    if keep != '1':

This behaviour is identical to before - except if four unequal sides are provided, we don't bother asking for a bunch of angles.

CodePudding user response:

First we need some tweaking in the edge control.

Because "if sides[i] == sides[i]:" statement returns always True. Instead, let's write a function that checks that all edges are the same.

def is_same_edges(edges) -> bool:
    sum_edges = sum(edges)
    return (sum_edges / len(edges)) == edges[0]

This function calculates the sum of all the elements in the list it takes as a parameter. Then it divides the length of the list it takes as a parameter and checks it with any of the lists element. If it is the same, all the elements are the same.

Now that we've done the edge checks, we can move on to the angle check.

def is_opposite_angles_same(angles) -> bool:
    return angles[0] == angles[2] and angles[1] == angles[3]

This function returns whether the opposite angles are equal.

Okay, we have the functions we need. Now let's edit your function.

def rhombus(sList, aList):
    if is_same_edges(sList) and is_opposite_angles_same(aList):
            rhombus = sList
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