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Split a dataframe into multiple to run a function that only takes two-column dataframes


I want to perform a column-wise operation in R on column pairs. The function I actually want to use is not the one shown here, because it would complicate this example.

I have a dataframe:

df <- data.frame(p1 = c(-5, -4, 2, 0, -2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 7)
                 ,p2 = c(0, 1, 2, 0, -2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 0))

and a vector of the same length as the df:

tocompare <- c(0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 4, 16, 12, 6, 9)

I want to run a function that compares each column of df to the tocompare object. The steps I need to take is:

  1. Make a two-element list. First element is a two-column dataframe x, in which the first column comes from the df and the second column is the tocompare object. Second element is a number. (this is needed for my actual function to work, I appreciate that it is not needed in this example). This number is constant for all iterations of this process (it's a number of rows in df / length of tocompare) in this example, it's 10.
data1 <- list(x = cbind(df %>% select(1), tocompare), N = length(tocompare))

# select(1) is used rather than df[,1] ensures the column header is kept
  1. Compare the two columns of the first element (called x) of the data1 list. The function that I use in real life is not cor; this simplified example captures the problem. I wrote my_function in such a way that it needs the data1 object created above.
my_function <- function(data1){
x <- data1[[1]]
cr <- cor(x[,1], x[,2])
header <- colnames(x)[1]
print(c(header, cr))

cr_df1 <- my_function(data1)

I can do the same for the second df column:

data2 <- list(x = cbind(df %>% select(2), tocompare), N = length(tocompare))
cr_df2 <- my_function(data2)

And make a dataframe of final results:

final_df <- rbind(cr_df1, cr_df2) %>% 
`rownames<-`(NULL) %>% 
`colnames<-`(c("p", "R")) %>% 

the output will look like this:

> final_df 
   p         R
1 p1 0.7261224
2 p2 0.6233169

I would like to do this on a dataframe with thousands of columns. The bit I don't know is how to split the single dataframe into multiple two-column dataframes and then run my_function on these many small dataframes to return a single output. I think I would be able to do it with a loop and with transposing the df, but maybe there is a better way (I feel I should try to use map here)?

CodePudding user response:

A more generic way to do it is to use split.default(),

lapply(split.default(df, seq(ncol(df))), function(i) cbind(i, tocompare))

   p1 tocompare
1  -5         0
2  -4         0
3   2         2
4   0         0
5  -2         2
6   1         4
7   3        16
8   4        12
9   2         6
10  7         9

   p2 tocompare
1   0         0
2   1         0
3   2         2
4   0         0
5  -2         2
6   1         4
7   3        16
8   3        12
9   2         6
10  0         9

Then apply your function to each element of the list

CodePudding user response:

Rather than looping you can use map to iteratively apply your function. To split up your dataframe into columns, just select each column one at a time. 1:ncol(df) will generate a sequence of the column numbers. So

map(1:ncol(df), function(column_number) df %>% select(all_of(column_number)))
#> [[1]]
#>    p1
#> 1  -5
#> 2  -4
#> 3   2
#> 4   0
#> 5  -2
#> 6   1
#> 7   3
#> 8   4
#> 9   2
#> 10  7
#> [[2]]
#>    p2
#> 1   0
#> 2   1
#> 3   2
#> 4   0
#> 5  -2
#> 6   1
#> 7   3
#> 8   3
#> 9   2
#> 10  0

To get your function to process these columns, first alter it to output dataframes

my_function2 <- function(data1){
x <- data1[[1]]
cr <- cor(x[,1], x[,2])
header <- colnames(x)[1]
tibble(header = header, cr = cr)

Then wrap it all up with map but use map_df so that each iteration gets bound as a row to a dataframe

compare_fn <- function(df, compare_list, my_function){
           function(column_number) my_function(list(x = cbind(df %>% select(all_of(column_number)), compare_list),
                N = length(tocompare))))

And run it with

compare_fn(df, tocompare, my_function2)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#>   header    cr
#>   <chr>  <dbl>
#> 1 p1     0.726
#> 2 p2     0.623
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