I have two .csv files
I would like to read them in Haskell with strict parsing rules for the variables A
, B
and C
. I would then like to apply complex merge and filter operations to the rows of A.csv and B.csv and create a file C.csv from the result. The code block at the end of this post essentially covers this functionality.
I would now like to do all of this while keeping the variables D
, E
and F
around. In my real dataset I have an unknown and arbitrary number of such additional columns. I can not easily represent them in the respective data type (ABC
below). All of them should stay and be properly represented in the output dataset.
With the code below, C.csv looks like this:
I would instead like to have a result like this:
Is there a way to do this with cassava? Do I have to write a custom parser from scratch to get this functionality? How would I go about this?
This example code lacks the desired feature. It is a self-contained stack script.
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-18.7 script --package cassava,bytestring,vector
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.Csv as C
import qualified Data.Vector as V
data ABC = ABC {a :: Int, b :: Int, c :: Int} deriving Show
instance C.FromNamedRecord ABC where
parseNamedRecord m =
ABC <$> m C..: "A" <*> m C..: "B" <*> m C..: "C"
instance C.ToNamedRecord ABC where
toNamedRecord ABC {..} =
C.namedRecord ["A" C..= a, "B" C..= b, "C" C..= c]
decodeABC :: B.ByteString -> [ABC]
decodeABC x =
case C.decodeByName x of
Left err -> error err
Right (_,xs) -> V.toList xs
header :: C.Header
header = V.fromList ["A", "B", "C"]
main :: IO ()
main = do
fileA <- B.readFile "A.csv"
fileB <- B.readFile "B.csv"
let decodedA = decodeABC fileA
let decodedB = decodeABC fileB
putStrLn $ show decodedA
putStrLn $ show decodedB
B.writeFile "C.csv" $ C.encodeByName header (decodedA decodedB)
This code includes the desired feature (thanks to the input of @Daniel Wagner):
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-18.7 script --package cassava,bytestring,vector,unordered-containers
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.Csv as C
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Vector as V
data ABC = ABC {a :: Int, b :: Int, c :: Int, addCols :: C.NamedRecord} deriving Show
abcDefinedCols = ["A", "B", "C"]
abcRefHashMap = HM.fromList $ map (\x -> (x, ())) abcDefinedCols
instance C.FromNamedRecord ABC where
parseNamedRecord m =
pure ABC
<*> m C..: "A"
<*> m C..: "B"
<*> m C..: "C"
<*> pure (m `HM.difference` abcRefHashMap)
instance C.ToNamedRecord ABC where
toNamedRecord m =
(addCols m) `HM.union` C.namedRecord ["A" C..= a m, "B" C..= b m, "C" C..= c m]
decodeABC :: B.ByteString -> [ABC]
decodeABC x =
case C.decodeByName x of
Left err -> error err
Right (_,xs) -> V.toList xs
makeCompleteHeader :: [ABC] -> C.Header
makeCompleteHeader ms = V.fromList $ abcDefinedCols HM.keys (HM.unions (map addCols ms))
combineABCs :: [ABC] -> [ABC] -> [ABC]
combineABCs xs1 xs2 =
let simpleSum = xs1 xs2
addColKeys = HM.keys (HM.unions (map addCols simpleSum))
toAddHashMap = HM.fromList (map (\k -> (k, "n/a")) addColKeys)
in map (\x -> x { addCols = fillAddCols (addCols x) toAddHashMap }) simpleSum
fillAddCols :: C.NamedRecord -> C.NamedRecord -> C.NamedRecord
fillAddCols cur toAdd = HM.union cur (toAdd `HM.difference` cur)
main :: IO ()
main = do
fileA <- B.readFile "A.csv"
fileB <- B.readFile "B.csv"
let decodedA = decodeABC fileA
let decodedB = decodeABC fileB
putStrLn $ show decodedA
putStrLn $ show decodedB
let ab = combineABCs decodedA decodedB
B.writeFile "C.csv" $ C.encodeByName (makeCompleteHeader ab) ab
CodePudding user response:
data ABCPlus = ABCPlus { a :: Int, b :: Int, c :: Int, d :: NamedRecord } deriving Show
instance FromNamedRecord ABCPlus where
parseNamedRecord m = pure ABC
<*> m .: "A"
<*> m .: "B"
<*> m .: "C"
<*> pure m -- or perhaps: pure (m `HM.difference` HM.fromList [("A", ()), ("B", ()), ("C", ())])
instance ToNamedRecord ABCPlus where
toNamedRecord m = d m -- or perhaps: d m `HM.union` namedRecord ["A" .= a m, "B" .= b m, "C" .= c m]
headers :: [ABCPlus] -> Header
headers ms = header $ ["A", "B", "C"] HM.keys (relevant combined) where
relevant m = m `HM.difference` HM.fromList [("A", ()), ("B", ()), ("C", ())] -- or perhaps: m
combined = HM.unions [relevantKeys (d m) | m <- ms]