The following is the source code
Package com. Example. Contextmunu;
Import the Java. Util. ArrayList;
Import the Java. Util. Collections;
import java.util.List;
The import android. App. ListActivity;
The import android. Graphics. Color;
The import android. OS. Bundle;
The import android. Support. The v4. View. ViewCompat;
The import android. View. ContextMenu;
The import android. View. ContextMenu. ContextMenuInfo;
The import android. View. The Menu;
The import android. View. MenuItem;
The import android. View. The view;
The import android. View. The view. OnCreateContextMenuListener;
The import android. View. ViewGroup;
The import android. Widget. BaseAdapter;
The import android. Widget. LinearLayout;
The import android. Widget. TextView;
Public class MainActivity extends ListActivity {
Private class ViewHolder {
Public TextView index;
Public TextView name;
Private ViewHolder () {
Private class UserListAdapter extends BaseAdapter {
Private List
Public long getItemId (int I) {
Return (long) I;
UserListAdapter () {
FriendList. Add (" * * ");
FriendList. Add (" li si ");
FriendList. Add (" two pock-marked ");
FriendList. Add (" * * ");
FriendList. Add (" li si ");
FriendList. Add (" two pock-marked ");
FriendList. Add (" * * ");
FriendList. Add (" li si ");
FriendList. Add (" two pock-marked ");
FriendList. Add (" * * ");
FriendList. Add (" li si ");
FriendList. Add (" two pock-marked ");
Public int getCount () {
Return this. The friendList. The size ();
Public String the getItem (int I) {
Return (String) enclosing friendList. Get (I);
Public View getView (int, View View and ViewGroup ViewGroup) {
ViewHolder ViewHolder=null;
If (view==null) {
View=the inflate (MainActivity. Enclosing getApplicationContext (), R.l ayout. Item_users, null);
ViewHolder=new viewHolder ();
ViewHolder. Index=(TextView) view. The findViewById (R.i d.i tem_index);
ViewHolder. Name=(TextView) view. The findViewById (R.i d.i tem_name);
The setTag (viewGroup);
} else {
ViewHolder=(viewHolder) the getTag ();
ViewHolder. Index. SetText (String. The valueOf (I + 1));
ViewHolder. Name. SetText (the getItem (I));
Return the view;
@ Override
Protected void onResume () {
SetListAdapter (new UserListAdapter ());
Super. OnResume ();
@ Override
Protected void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) {
GetListView (). SetOnCreateContextMenuListener (new OnCreateContextMenuListener () {
@ Override
Public void onCreateContextMenu (ContextMenu ContextMenu, View arg1, ContextMenuInfo arg2) {
ContextMenu. SetHeaderTitle (" operate ");
ContextMenu. Add (0, 0, 0, "1111111111111");
ContextMenu. Add (0, 1, 0, "222222222222222222");
ContextMenu. Add (0, 2, 0, "333333333333333333");
@ Override
Public Boolean onCreateOptionsMenu (Menu Menu) {
//to Inflate the menu; This adds the items to the action bar if it is present.
GetMenuInflater (). Inflate (R.m emu. Main, menu).
return true;
@ Override
Public Boolean onOptionsItemSelected (MenuItem item) {
//Handle The action bar item on here. The action bar will
//automatically handle on on the Home/the Up button, so long
//as you specify a parent activity in AndroidManifest. XML.
Int id=item. GetItemId ();
If (id==da ction_settings R.i) {
return true;
Return super. OnOptionsItemSelected (item);

CodePudding user response:
Oneself the top, to prevent heavy stickCodePudding user response:
Can use a Dialog displaysCodePudding user response:
Do you feel weird this logic, the item was always on time can play a DialogFragment (you can see I write BaseDialog oh), can use the popupwindow play menuCodePudding user response:
Solve the problem? I also appeared suchIn the top bar contextmenu show is not complete