I have two json datas as
json_1 = [{'purchasedPerson__id': 2, 'credit': 3000}, {'purchasedPerson__id': 4, 'credit': 5000}]
json_2 = [{'purchasedPerson__id': 1, 'debit': 8526}, {'purchasedPerson__id': 4, 'debit': 2000}]
i want to merge both the json and needed optput as
json_final = [{'purchasedPerson__id': 2, 'credit': 3000 , 'debit'=0},
{'purchasedPerson__id': 4, 'credit': 5000 , 'debit'=2000},
{'purchasedPerson__id': 1, 'credit'=0, 'debit': 8526}]
how the above method can be done
CodePudding user response:
This is a case where pandas
can be very convenient. By converting to dataframes and merging on "purchasedPerson__id", you will get the desired output:
import pandas as pd
json_1 = [{'purchasedPerson__id': 2, 'credit': 3000}, {'purchasedPerson__id': 4, 'credit': 5000}]
json_2 = [{'purchasedPerson__id': 1, 'debit': 8526}, {'purchasedPerson__id': 4, 'debit': 2000}]
df1 = pd.DataFrame(json_1)
df2 = pd.DataFrame(json_2)
df_out = pd.merge(df1, df2, on="purchasedPerson__id", how="outer").fillna(0)
[{'purchasedPerson__id': 2, 'credit': 3000.0, 'debit': 0.0}, {'purchasedPerson__id': 4, 'credit': 5000.0, 'debit': 2000.0}, {'purchasedPerson__id': 1, 'credit': 0.0, 'debit': 8526.0}]
CodePudding user response:
# Initialize the final JSON array
json_final = []
# Loop through the first JSON data set
for item in json_1:
# Initialize the final JSON object for this item
final_item = {'purchasedPerson__id': item['purchasedPerson__id'], 'credit': item['credit'], 'debit': 0}
# Loop through the second JSON data set
for item2 in json_2:
# If the id matches, update the final item with the debit value
if item['purchasedPerson__id'] == item2['purchasedPerson__id']:
final_item['debit'] = item2['debit']
# Add the final item to the final JSON array
# Loop through the second JSON data set
for item in json_2:
# Initialize a flag to keep track of whether the item already exists in the final JSON array
exists = False
# Loop through the final JSON array
for final_item in json_final:
# If the id matches, set the exists flag to True
if final_item['purchasedPerson__id'] == item['purchasedPerson__id']:
exists = True
# If the item does not exist in the final JSON array, add it with credit and debit values of 0
if not exists:
json_final.append({'purchasedPerson__id': item['purchasedPerson__id'], 'credit': 0, 'debit': item['debit']})
CodePudding user response:
json_1 = [{'purchasedPerson__id': 2, 'credit': 3000}, {'purchasedPerson__id': 4, 'credit': 5000}]
json_2 = [{'purchasedPerson__id': 1, 'debit': 8526}, {'purchasedPerson__id': 4, 'debit': 2000}]
# create a dictionary for the merged data
data = {}
# loop through each JSON and add the data to the dictionary
for j in json_1:
data[j['purchasedPerson__id']] = {'credit': j['credit'], 'debit': 0}
for j in json_2:
if j['purchasedPerson__id'] in data:
data[j['purchasedPerson__id']] = {'credit': data[j['purchasedPerson__id']]['credit'], 'debit': j['debit']}
data[j['purchasedPerson__id']] = {'credit': 0, 'debit': j['debit']}
# convert the dictionary to a list
json_final = []
for key, value in data.items():
json_final.append({'purchasedPerson__id': key, 'credit': value['credit'], 'debit': value['debit']})