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Subsetting list from another list in R


I learnt how to subset a list based on the values of another list. Am however finding a a challenge when I try to replicate the code in a different context: ( I only need to retain the elements with ":" i.e. a, b and e) How would I have gone about it?


list1 <- list("a" = "Variable label a: Docket",
              "b" = "Variable label b: Boset",
              "c" = "Variable label c",
              "d" = "Variable label d: Kamba",
              "e" = "Variable label e"

list2 <- vector("list")

for (i in list1){

  if(str_detect(i, ":")){
    list2[[i]] <- i


list1 |> purrr::keep(names(list1) %in% (names(list2) |> stringr::str_sub(-1,-1))) # Thanks to Julian

CodePudding user response:

How about

> Filter(Negate(is.na),lapply(list1,function(x){ifelse(grepl(":",x),x,NA)}))
[1] "Variable label a: Docket"

[1] "Variable label b: Boset"

[1] "Variable label d: Kamba"
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