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Wait for data to have loaded before [(ngModel)] is activated


I have the following code in a component.html-file, that triggers an error:

<mat-slide-toggle [(ngModel)]="ignoreHolidaysObject.ignoreHolidays">
    Ignore holidays

ERROR: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'ignoreHolidays')

I assume, that [(ngModel)] tries to read the value of ignoreHolidays before it has been assigned a value.

My component.ts file has the following in ngOnInit:

ngOnInit(): void {
    this.subs.add(this._ignoreHolidaysService.getIgnoreHolidaysResult() //subs is subsink
      .subscribe((__ignoreHolidaysObject: IgnoreHolidaysViewModel) => {
        this.ignoreHolidaysObject = __ignoreHolidaysObject;
      (error: HttpErrorResponse) => {
        console.log("Call threw an error", error);

All other values in my html-file are set and the call works as intended.

How do I ensure, that this.ignoreHolidaysObject has been assigned data, before [(ngModel)] tries to read from it?

CodePudding user response:

You can either instantiate ignoreHolidaysObject with some dummy data to allow the binding to be setup successfully prior to your asynchronous data arriving, e.g.


ignoreHolidaysObject = {
  ignoreHolidays: null  // choose a suitable "empty" value for your  use case


<mat-slide-toggle [(ngModel)]="ignoreHolidaysObject.ignoreHolidays">
    Ignore holidays

or you can simply prevent the component from being rendered until your object has been populated and is thus ready to be bound


    Ignore holidays


    Ignore holidays

CodePudding user response:

Add *ngIf="ignoreHolidaysObject" to mat-slide-toggle :

<mat-slide-toggle *ngIf="ignoreHolidaysObject" [(ngModel)]="ignoreHolidaysObject.ignoreHolidays">
    Ignore holidays
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