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Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '&' '


I have a django website where i want to include a js graph that plots prices against dates. I use (Plotly) https://plotly.com/javascript/

My problem is when i pass an array of dates (formatted 'yyyy/mm/dd') from my view in views.py into my html file which includes the code for my graph the dates have '&#x27 ;' either side of each date.


context = {
    "dates":['2022/12/03', '2022/12/04', '2022/12/05'],

return render(request, "App/minifig_page.html", context=context)

inside html

var xArray = {{dates}};

xArray in browser view sources [&#x27 ;2022/12/03', &#x27 ;2022/12/04&#x27 ;, &#x27 ;2022/12/05&#x27 ;]

This causes the dates to be improperly formatted and therefore the graph does not display.

CodePudding user response:

This is not how you render a JSON blob. You can use the |json_script template filter [Django-doc]:

{{ dates|json_script:xArray }}
const value = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('xArray').textContent);

This will then JSON encode the data, and let it load with JSON.parse. It is also better that the "outer" data structure is a dictionary, not an array due to a subtle JSON vulnerability [haacked.com].

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