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Is there a way to count how many entries exists with a certain filter for python pandas?


This might seem very basic but I am new to Pandas, the title might not be accurate but I have good screenshots below This is sort of a voting app

I have the vote_results dataframe: enter image description here

And the legislators dataframe: enter image description here

This is the dataframe that I want to accomplish: enter image description here

supported bills means a vote for yes opposed bills means a vote for no So I want to know how many times each legislator voted for yes (1) and no(2) I also need a join on the legislator's dataframe in order to include the legislator name

Really need some insight on this to understand better what can I do with dataframes in terms of manipulation.

I tried making some joins and group_by's but honestly I am not handling it very well, I can't print my group_by's and also don't know how to create an alias for count positive and negative votes grouped by legislator_id

CodePudding user response:

The logic is:

  • Join the two dataframes by legislator id
  • Group by legislator id
  • Aggregate for supported bills and opposed bills count
  • Legislator name is the first (or any) one in the group
vote_results = pd.DataFrame(data=[[1,"L1","V1",1],[2,"L1","V2",1],[3,"L2","V3",0],[4,"L2","V4",0],[5,"L3","V5",1],[6,"L3","V6",0]], columns=["id","legislator_id","vote_id","vote_type"])

legislators = pd.DataFrame(data=[["L1","ABC"],["L2","PQR"],["L3","XYZ"]], columns=["id","name"])

result_df = legislators.merge(vote_results[["legislator_id","vote_id","vote_type"]], left_on="id", right_on="legislator_id", how="left") \
                       .groupby("id") \
                       .apply(lambda x: pd.Series({
                           "name": str(x["name"].iloc[0]),
                           "num_supported_bills": len([v for v in x.vote_type if v==1]),
                           "num_opposed_bills": len([v for v in x.vote_type if v==0]),
                           })) \


   id name  num_supported_bills  num_opposed_bills
0  L1  ABC                    2                  0
1  L2  PQR                    0                  2
2  L3  XYZ                    1                  1
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