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Using Pandas, want to group by multiple columns for min/max and add another column value to min/max


First of all, sorry if the title is hard to understand.

Target: I'm trying to group by source, type columns, add the min,max columns for each group by result ,and then add the related target column to both min and max columns (in front of the value).

I can't figure out how to get the Pandas result in this format:

source type min max
Person1 bow Person 2: 0.001 Person 3: 0.05

I have a list of dictionaries as followed:

`[{'source': 'Person1', 'target': 'Person2', 'type': 'bow', 'similarity': 0.636}, {'source': 'Person1', 'target': 'Person2', 'type': 'bigram', 'similarity': 0.040}, {'source': 'Person1', 'target': 'Person2', 'type': 'tfidf', 'similarity': 0.433}, {'source': 'Person1', 'target': 'Person3', 'type': 'bow', 'similarity': 0.699}, {'source': 'Person1', 'target': 'Person3', 'type': 'bigram', 'similarity': 0.171}, {'source': 'Person1', 'target': 'Person3', 'type': 'tfidf', 'similarity': 0.522}]`

In table from this looks like:

source target type similarity
Person1 Person2 bow 0.636
Person1 Person2 bigram 0.040
Person1 Person2 tfidf 0.433
Person1 Person3 bow 0.699
Person1 Person3 bigram 0.171
Person1 Person3 tfidf 0.522

For the group by, min/max I'm using the following:

df = df.groupby(['source','type']).similarity.agg(['min','max'])

Which results into:

source type min max
Person1 bow 0.636 0.699
Person1 bigram 0.040 0.171
Person1 tfidf 0.433 0.522

All good to this point, but how do I get the output into the following structure:

[Source]:source;[Type]: type; [min]: Target:min(similarity); [max]: Target:max(similarity)

source type min max
Person1 bow Person2: 0.636 Person3: 0.699
Person1 bigram Person2: 0.040 Person3: 0.171
Person1 tfidf Person3: 0.433 Person3: 0.522

Am I supposed to use .loc to find the row for the min / max values and then somehow add those to the result?

CodePudding user response:

Here is an approach with GroupBy and pandas.merge :

g = df.groupby(by=['source', 'type'], sort=False)
out = (
                       .rename(columns= {'similarity': 'sim_min', 'target': 'target_min'}),
                       .rename(columns= {'similarity': 'sim_max', 'target': 'target_max'}),
              .assign(min=lambda x: x.pop('target_min')   ': '   x.pop('sim_min').astype(str),
                      max=lambda x: x.pop('target_max')   ': '   x.pop('sim_max').astype(str))

Another variant :

g = df.groupby(by=['source', 'type'], sort=False)
out = (
                         .assign(min= lambda x: x[['target', 'similarity']]
                                                     .astype(str).agg(": ".join, axis=1)),
                         .assign(max= lambda x: x[['target', 'similarity']]
                                                     .astype(str).agg(": ".join, axis=1)),
                     on=['source','type'], suffixes=('', '_'))
                .loc[:, ['source', 'type', 'min', 'max']]

# Output :


    source    type             min             max
0  Person1     bow  Person2: 0.636  Person3: 0.699
1  Person1  bigram   Person2: 0.04  Person3: 0.171
2  Person1   tfidf  Person2: 0.433  Person3: 0.522

CodePudding user response:


data = [['Person1', 'Person2', 'bow', 0.636],
        ['Person1', 'Person2', 'bigram', 0.04],
        ['Person1', 'Person2', 'tfidf', 0.433],
        ['Person1', 'Person3', 'bow', 0.699],
        ['Person1', 'Person3', 'bigram', 0.171],
        ['Person1', 'Person3', 'tfidf', 0.522]]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['source', 'target', 'type', 'similarity'])


    source  target  type    similarity
0   Person1 Person2 bow     0.6
1   Person1 Person2 bigram  0.0
2   Person1 Person2 tfidf   0.4
3   Person1 Person3 bow     0.7
4   Person1 Person3 bigram  0.2
5   Person1 Person3 tfidf   0.5


df.groupby(['source','type']).agg([min, max])


                target              similarity
                min     max         min     max
source  type                
Person1 bigram  Person2 Person3     0.0     0.2
        bow     Person2 Person3     0.6     0.7
        tfidf   Person2 Person3     0.4     0.5

make result to your desired output

Add : to value of target column of df, change value of result to str, and combine them.

Full Code and Output

(df.assign(target=df['target']   ': ')
 .groupby(['source','type']).agg([min, max]).astype('str')
 .groupby(level=1, axis=1, sort=False).sum().reset_index())


    source  type    min             max
0   Person1 bigram  Person2: 0.04   Person3: 0.171
1   Person1 bow     Person2: 0.636  Person3: 0.699
2   Person1 tfidf   Person2: 0.433  Person3: 0.522
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