Hello everyone please i clone my KYC Page to Wallet Connect, were users can submit information and it would reflect on the admin side just as the KYC works,i have duplicated everything and changed the names were its applicable but i am getting errors from the client side and the admin side, please i would be happy if you can assist me it would go a long way
enter image description hereI tried adding a wallet connect to my HYIP website and it'senter image description here returning this error
compact('type', 'operator', 'query', 'boolean');
in /home/investmentsite/public_html/app/Http/Controllers/Backend/WalletController.php (line 108) * @return Application|Factory|View / public function edit($id) { $Wallet = Wallet::find($id); return view('backend.wallet.edit', compact('wallet')); } /* * Remove the specified resource from storage. *
CodePudding user response:
The problem is that you variable is uppercase while you are passing a lowercase variable so just do either one of the following
or change the variable name
$wallet = (...)
return view(...)->compact('wallet');
UPDATE 1#: So from your comment my guess is that this will be your solution
$wallet = Wallet::findOrFail($id);
return view('backend.wallet.edit', compact('wallet'));