I'm trying to return a specific value from my json with json.loads and I'm not getting it. I want it to return the value of 'linkBoleto':
This is the structure of my json file
"situacao": "aberto",
"historico":"Referente ao pedido de venda nº 423",
"idFormaPagamento": "123",
"vendedor":"Vendedor exemplo",
"pagamento": {
"totalPago": 15.00,
"totalJuro": 0,
"totalDesconto": 0,
"totalAcrescimo": 0,
"totalTarifa": 0,
"data": "2017-03-09"
"nome":"Organisys Software",
"endereco":"Rua Barão do Rio Branco",
"complemento":"Sala 000",
"cidade":"Bento Gonçalves",
"email":"[email protected]"
I tried this, but I couldn't...
import requests
import json
cnpj_consulta = '00.000.000/0000-1'
api_key = 'my-api-key'
url = 'https://bling.com.br/Api/v2/contasreceber/json/'
f_key ='&apikey='
f_cnpj = '&filters=cnpj'
op = '['
cl = ']'
r = requests.get(f'{url}{f_key}{api_key}{f_cnpj}{op}{cnpj_consulta}{cl}')
y = json.loads (r.content)
print (y ['linkBoleto'])
I can return data from the api normally but when I try to apply json.loads to limit the return I can't...
CodePudding user response:
You can't access "linkBoleto"
directly, you need to follow the structure of JSON: