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Python Django - Trying to make a dynamic name from string to call serializer function


So I was trying to access a serializer using the serializer name, and the model query set as a parameter, using the python gettattr() function. After running the code, Django returns the following error:

'str' object has no attribute '<module 'django.db.models' from 'C:\\Python310\\lib\\site-packages\\django\\db\\models\\__init__.py'>'

However I can't really understand what it means, I've been stuck on trying to access the serializer this way, as I have a dyanmic url.

Anyhelp with the problem or explanation of the error would be appreciated.

I was expecting the serializer to be processed normally, and return the data in the respone, I implemented it this way.

def List_all_part(request, part):
    table = apps.get_model('Parts', part)
    model = table.objects.all()
    serializer = getattr(str(part.lower()), str(models))
    return Response(serializer.data)

CodePudding user response:

I think you may have a typo in models.

def List_all_part(request, part):
    table = apps.get_model('Parts', part)
    model = table.objects.all()
-   serializer = getattr(str(part.lower()), str(models))
    serializer = getattr(str(part.lower()), str(model))
    return Response(serializer.data)

CodePudding user response:

getattr doesn't take a string as first argument. You have to pass an object/instance

In [8]: class Test:
   ...:     def __init__(self):
   ...:         self.foo = "bar"
   ...:     def bar(self):
   ...:         return "foo"

In [9]: t = Test()

In [10]: getattr(t, "foo")
Out[10]: 'bar'

In [11]: getattr(t, "bar")()
Out[11]: 'foo'

In [12]: 

CodePudding user response:

What you need is to load your serializer class from the module it's defined in. You can use getattr but you need to use the loaded module object as the first parameter, not a str. So simply import you serializer module, and pass it as first argument to getattr.

Also you can use other means for dynamic class loading, but this would be simpler. Also the result of the getattr will be the desired serializer class, after that you need to call it with the data you want to be serialized. e.g.

import serializers

def List_all_part(request, part):
    table = apps.get_model('Parts', part)
    model = table.objects.all()
    serializer_class = getattr(serializers, str(models))
    serializer = serializer_class(model, many=True)
    return Response(serializer.data)
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