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Powershell : Reprompt user for input if validation fails


I have a script which takes lots of input from user. I need to validate those inputs. The issue I am currently facing is that if one of the input fails validation, the user should be prompted to re-enter only that particular input and rest all valid inputs should remain as is

Sample Code :

    Function Validate 
$Value = Read-Host "Please enter a value" 
Validate $Value 
Write-Host $value 
$Test = Read-Host "Enter Another value" 
Write-Host $Test

Here when validation fails for $Value it throws exception and moves to take second input.

CodePudding user response:

You can add it directly into the parameter using ValidateScript

Function Validate 
while ((Read-Host "Please enter a value") -ne "SomeValue") {
Write-Host "Incorrect value... Try again"
Read-Host "Please enter a value"

CodePudding user response:

You might use this PowerShell Try/Catch and Retry technique to do this like:

function Get-ValidatedInput {
    function Validate { 
    $Value = $Null
    do {
        Try {
            $Value = Validate (Read-Host 'Please enter a value')
        Catch {
            Write-Warning 'Incorrect value entered, please reenter a value'
    } while ($Value -isnot [String])
$Value = Get-ValidatedInput
$Test = Get-ValidatedInput
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