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How to calculate last two week sum for each group ID


** I have Input data frame **

ID Date Amount
A 2021-08-03 100
A 2021-08-04 100
A 2021-08-06 20
A 2021-08-07 100
A 2021-08-09 300
A 2021-08-11 100
A 2021-08-12 100
A 2021-08-13 10
A 2021-08-23 10
A 2021-08-24 10
A 2021-08-26 10
A 2021-08-28 10

desired Output data frame

ID Date Amount TwoWeekSum
A 2021-08-03 100 320
A 2021-08-04 100 320
A 2021-08-06 20 320
A 2021-08-07 100 320
A 2021-08-09 300 830
A 2021-08-11 100 830
A 2021-08-12 100 830
A 2021-08-13 10 830
A 2021-08-23 10 40
A 2021-08-24 10 40
A 2021-08-26 10 40
A 2021-08-28 10 40

I want to calculate the last two week total sum like twoweekSum= current week total sum Previous Week total sum i.e. current week is 34 then twoweekSum is 34 week total sum 33 week total sum.

Please help me in to get in this in like output data frame so I can use that for further analysis. Thank You folks !

CodePudding user response:


#convert values to datetimes
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])

#convert values to weeks
df['week'] = df['Date'].dt.isocalendar().week

#aggregate sum per ID and weeks, then add missing weeks and sum in rolling
f = lambda x: x.reindex(range(x.index.min(), x.index.max()   1))
                .rolling(2, min_periods=1).sum()
df1 = df.groupby(['ID', 'week'])['Amount'].sum().reset_index(level=0).groupby('ID').apply(f)

print (df1)
ID week        
A  31     320.0
   32     830.0
   33     510.0
   34      40.0

#last add to original DataFrame per ID and weeks

print (df)
   ID       Date  Amount  TwoWeekSum
0   A 2021-08-03     100       320.0
1   A 2021-08-04     100       320.0
2   A 2021-08-06      20       320.0
3   A 2021-08-07     100       320.0
4   A 2021-08-09     300       830.0
5   A 2021-08-11     100       830.0
6   A 2021-08-12     100       830.0
7   A 2021-08-13      10       830.0
8   A 2021-08-23      10        40.0
9   A 2021-08-24      10        40.0
10  A 2021-08-26      10        40.0
11  A 2021-08-28      10        40.0

CodePudding user response:

Try using groupby to group the dataframe by dt.week, then use transform sum to add up the values weekly and repeat the values:

df['TwoWeekSum'] = df.groupby(df['Date'].dt.week)['Amount'].transform('sum')

And then:



   ID        Date  Amount  TwoWeekSum
0   A  2021-08-03     100         320
1   A  2021-08-04     100         320
2   A  2021-08-06      20         320
3   A  2021-08-07     100         320
4   A  2021-08-09     300         830
5   A  2021-08-11     100         830
6   A  2021-08-12     100         830
7   A  2021-08-13      10         830
8   A  2021-08-23      10          40
9   A  2021-08-24      10          40
10  A  2021-08-26      10          40
11  A  2021-08-28      10          40

CodePudding user response:

per = pd.period_range(df['Date'].min(), df['Date'].max(), freq='w')
mapper = df.groupby(df['Date'].astype('Period[W]')).sum().reindex(per, fill_value=0).rolling(2, 1).sum()['Amount']
out = df['Date'].astype('Period[W]').map(mapper)


0     320.0
1     320.0
2     320.0
3     320.0
4     830.0
5     830.0
6     830.0
7     830.0
8      40.0
9      40.0
10     40.0
11     40.0
Name: Date, dtype: float64

make out to TwoWeekSum column


    ID  Date     Amount TwoWeekSum
0   A   2021-08-03  100 320.0
1   A   2021-08-04  100 320.0
2   A   2021-08-06  20  320.0
3   A   2021-08-07  100 320.0
4   A   2021-08-09  300 830.0
5   A   2021-08-11  100 830.0
6   A   2021-08-12  100 830.0
7   A   2021-08-13  10  830.0
8   A   2021-08-23  10  40.0
9   A   2021-08-24  10  40.0
10  A   2021-08-26  10  40.0
11  A   2021-08-28  10  40.0


if each ID , groupby and merge

per = pd.period_range(df['Date'].min(), df['Date'].max(), freq='w')
s = df['Date'].astype('Period[W]')
idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([df['ID'].unique(), per])
df1 = df.groupby(['ID', s]).sum().reindex(idx, fill_value=0).rolling(2, 1).agg(sum).reset_index().set_axis(['ID', 'period', 'TwoWeekSum'], axis=1)
df.assign(period=s).merge(df1, how='left').drop('period', axis=1)
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