I’m using createUserWithEmailAndPassword and signInWithEmailAndPassword for my React website.
when I log in on the log in page, it navigates back to the home page, on the home page in the header, how do I get the “login” button to change to say “log out”.
I tried a useEffect with onAuthStateChange in it, but I don’t know the exact code for it to make it change the jsx element button from “log in” to “log out”
CodePudding user response:
Do you have a variable that identifies if your users are logged in? If so you can do a conditional operator like so: (This could be either in the button or above the button depending on how different you need login & logout to be)
[Are you logged in] ? [Yes, then...] : [No then...]
For example
Var loggedIn = false
return (<>
<Button>{loggedIn ? "Log Out" : "Login" }</Button>
(This might not be fully syntactically correct but should be enough to get you started)
CodePudding user response:
I would suggest using the localStorage
to store the state of your user after login like this localStorage.setItem('isloggedIn',true)
and after logout do this localStorage.setItem('isloggedIn',false)
So for your Button you can make a conditional render for it:
const isloggedIn = localStorage.getItem('isloggedIn');
return (
isloggedIn ?
<Button onClick={handleLogOut}>
Log Out
<Button onClick={handleLogIn}>
Log In