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In the aar is used to monitor the activity, onActivityResult can not receive the data? Urgent urgent


As is my title is with aar surveillance album call system,
Want to be in the current Activity in your onActivityResult receives the returned data
Results onActivityResult didn't be called back,,, I ask what reason be?

Public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

Protected void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) {
AAR. SetOpenAlbumListener (new AAR. OpenAlbumListener () {
@ Override
Public void openAlbum () {

Intent intentToPickPic=new Intent (Intent. ACTION_PICK, null);
IntentToPickPic. SetDataAndType (MediaStore. Images. Media. EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, "image/*");
MainActivity. This. StartActivityForResult (intentToPickPic, 1000);

@ Override
Protected void onActivityResult (int requestCode, int the resultCode, Intent data) {

//get photo
Try {
//the uri is an Activity on the returned
ImageUri=data. GetData ();
System. The out. Println (" uri="+ imageUri);
} the catch (Exception e) {

CodePudding user response:

Super. OnActivityResult (requestCode, the resultCode, data); What do you parent

@ Override
50 protected void onActivityResult (int requestCode, int the resultCode, Intent data) {
51. Super onActivityResult (requestCode, the resultCode, data);
52//RESULT_OK, judge another activity is over data input function, Standard activity result:
53//operation succeeded. The default value is 1
54 the if (the resultCode==2) {
55 the if (requestCode==requestCode) {
56 int three=data getIntExtra (" three ", 0);
57//set the display of the numerical results show that box
58 result. SetText (String. The valueOf (three));

CodePudding user response:

Upstairs said is not the solution

CodePudding user response:

Solve the reason is that only the outside of the aar activity to receive onActivityResult callback is invalid and call if the context also is in the aar
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