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Python - Enclosing time data from another table


I have these two dataframes:

import pandas as pd
from pandas import Timestamp
df_1 = pd.DataFrame({'id': {0: 'A',
  1: 'A',
  2: 'B',
  3: 'C',
  4: 'C'},
 'IdOrder': {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 2},
 'TrackDateTime': {0: Timestamp('2020-01-21 23:28:35'),
  1: Timestamp('2020-01-28 17:12:15'),
  2: Timestamp('2020-01-07 12:41:48'),
  3: Timestamp('2020-01-01 22:13:44'),
  4: Timestamp('2020-01-01 22:49:53')}})

enter image description here

df_2 = pd.DataFrame({'id': {0: 'A',
  1: 'B',
  2: 'C',
  3: 'D',
  4: 'E'},
 'InitialDate': {0: Timestamp('2020-01-21 23:28:35'),
  1: Timestamp('2020-01-07 12:41:48'),
  2: Timestamp('2020-01-01 22:13:44'),
  3: Timestamp('2020-01-02 15:45:10'),
  4: Timestamp('2020-01-02 22:21:36')},
 'EndDate': {0: Timestamp('2020-01-28 00:00:00'),
  1: Timestamp('2020-01-08 00:00:00'),
  2: Timestamp('2020-01-03 00:00:00'),
  3: Timestamp('2020-01-06 00:00:00'),
  4: Timestamp('2020-04-10 00:00:00')}})

enter image description here

And I'm looking to enclose each id in df_1 with the InitialDate and EndDate from df_2, which would give this expected output:

enter image description here

Also please consider that:

  • IdOrder=0 for InitialDate and IdOrder=-1 for EndDate
  • I would like to keep the time granularity up to seconds (the output image doesn't show it because of the excel format)

I haven't been able to figure out a solution for this. Any suggestions? :)

CodePudding user response:

You can use melt, concat and a custom sorting:

tmp = (
 .rename(columns={'InitialDate':0, 'EndDate': -1})
 .melt('id', var_name='IdOrder', value_name='TrackDateTime')

out = (pd.concat([tmp, df_1])
         .sort_values(by='IdOrder', key=lambda s: s.replace(-1, np.inf))



  id IdOrder       TrackDateTime
0  A       0 2020-01-21 23:28:35
0  A       1 2020-01-21 23:28:35
1  A       2 2020-01-28 17:12:15
3  A      -1 2020-01-28 00:00:00
1  B       0 2020-01-07 12:41:48
2  B       1 2020-01-07 12:41:48
4  B      -1 2020-01-08 00:00:00
2  C       0 2020-01-01 22:13:44
3  C       1 2020-01-01 22:13:44
4  C       2 2020-01-01 22:49:53
5  C      -1 2020-01-03 00:00:00
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