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Bash command check if string match in command output


I have following command output

$ /opt/CrowdStrike/falconctl -g --aid | grep 'aid='

I want to check if there is any string after aid= (inside ""). If there is any string, command return code should be 0 and if no value return code must be !=0.

Can someone please help to extend this command to get required output?

Idea is to make sure my bash script to fail if aid= doesn't has any value.

CodePudding user response:

You can use regex to check whether one or more characters exist inside the double quotes. And, you can use regex capture group to extract that value:

if [[ $(/opt/CrowdStrike/falconctl -g --aid | grep 'aid=') =~ ^aid=\"(. )\"$ ]]; then
  echo "aid is $aid"
  echo "aid not found"

Note that the regex I use is . which means 1 or more characters, since you require the string to be non-empty. This is in contrast of the usual .* regex which would have be 0 or more characters.

CodePudding user response:

I don't have falconctl on my system so to mimic its output I'll use a couple files:

$ head falcon*out
==> falcon.1.out <==
some stuff
some more stuff

==> falcon.2.out <==
some stuff
some more stuff

One grep idea:

grep -Eq '^aid="[^"] "' <filename>


  • -E - enable extended regex support
  • -q - run in silent/quiet mode (suppress all output)
  • the return code can be captured from $?

Taking for a test drive:

for fname in falcon*out
    printf "\n############# %s\n" "$fname"
    cat "$fname" | grep -Eq '^aid="[^"] "' "$fname"
    echo "return code: $?"

This generates:

############# falcon.1.out
return code: 0

############# falcon.2.out
return code: 1
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