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Excel formula to populate Data based on a series or rules run on a different cell in the same worksh


I need to populate a cell with some combination of data from another cell. Here's what my data looks like (sorry I can't post images):Column A = NameColumn B = TeamColumn C = Short Name

I'm trying to populate the Short Name based on a series of rules applied to the Name (column A). I have some of it working. So here's what I'm hoping to get to:

this is the rule that's working: - If the name contains a ":" I'm populating the cell with the first 4 characters after that [IFERROR(B2&""&MID(A2, FIND(":", A2,1) 1,4),"")]. If it doesn't find the :, it's leaving Column C blank. This was working perfectly until a new need was introduced...

So now Column C would be populated based on one of 3 things:

  1. Exactly what's happening now. So if : exists populate column C based on the formula above
  2. If the : doesn't exist I need to inspect Column A for "(ENH)". If (ENH) exists, I need column C populated with everything that's displayed in column A. If it exists, (ENH) will always be the first 5 characters displayed in column A.
  3. If : or (ENH) doesn't exist, Column C stays blank

Using my real data, at the end of the day Column C will display one of the following 3 things, displayed in the order of my rules above:

  1. Gold O&M
  2. (ENH) UI Refactor
  3. BLANK

CodePudding user response:

You can use the following formula to populate the C "Short Name" column:

=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(":", A2)), B2&" "&MID(A2,SEARCH(":", A2) 1, 4), IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("(ENH)", A2)), A2, ""))

This results in the following table:

NameColumn TeamColumn Short Name
foobar:O&M Gold Gold O&M
(ENH) UI Refactor whatever1 (ENH) UI Refactor
Flubber whatever2


  • FIND() is case-sensitive while SEARCH() is not. I used FIND() for "(ENH)" because it seemed as though you wanted an exact match. If "(enh)" should also match, use SEARCH().
  • ISNUMBER(...) can be used to check whether SEARCH() and FIND() returned a valid index instead of #VALUE!, and thus whether the search text was found. NOT(ISERROR(...)) could also be used.

CodePudding user response:

Based on the little info given without posting samples this would work using Office 365: =IFERROR(B2&" "&LEFT(TEXTAFTER(A2,":",1),5),IF(LEFT(A2,5)="(ENH)",A2,""))

TEXTAFTER checks for a (nth) delimiter and shows the text after that. This is (if you ask me) easier to read than MID. But basically it does the same in this case.

If you need a better answer follow dbc's advice to post data as markdown table.

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