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Crossing .name_repair with duplicated column names


I would like to combine two dataframes using crossing, but some have the same columnnames. For that, I would like to add "_nameofdataframe" to these columns. Here are some reproducible dataframes (dput below):

> df1
  person V1 V2 V3
1      A  1  3  3
2      B  4  4  5
3      C  2  1  1
> df2
  V2 V3
1  2  5
2  1  6
3  1  2

When I run the following code it will return duplicated column names:

crossing(df1, df2, .name_repair = "minimal")
#> # A tibble: 9 × 6
#>   person    V1    V2    V3    V2    V3
#>   <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 A          1     3     3     1     2
#> 2 A          1     3     3     1     6
#> 3 A          1     3     3     2     5
#> 4 B          4     4     5     1     2
#> 5 B          4     4     5     1     6
#> 6 B          4     4     5     2     5
#> 7 C          2     1     1     1     2
#> 8 C          2     1     1     1     6
#> 9 C          2     1     1     2     5

As you can see it returns the column names while being duplicated. My desired output should look like this:

  person V1 V2_df1 V3_df1 V2_df2 V3_df2
1      A  1      3      3      1      2
2      A  1      3      3      1      6
3      A  1      3      3      2      5
4      B  4      4      5      1      2
5      B  4      4      5      1      6
6      B  4      4      5      2      5
7      C  2      1      1      1      2
8      C  2      1      1      1      6
9      C  2      1      1      2      5

So I was wondering if anyone knows a more automatic way to give the duplicated column names a name like in the desired output above with crossing?

dput of df1 and df2:

df1 <- structure(list(person = c("A", "B", "C"), V1 = c(1, 4, 2), V2 = c(3, 
4, 1), V3 = c(3, 5, 1)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

df2 <- structure(list(V2 = c(2, 1, 1), V3 = c(5, 6, 2)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

CodePudding user response:

As you probably know, the .name_repair parameter can take a function. The problem is crossing() only passes that function one argument, the concatenated vector of the names() of both data frames. So we can't easily pass the names of the data frame objects to it. It seems to me that there are two solutions.

1. Add the desired suffix to an anonymous function

    .name_repair = \(x, suffix = c("_df1", "_df2")) {
        names_to_repair <- names(which(table(x) == 2))

        x[x %in% names_to_repair] <- paste0(
            x[x %in% names_to_repair], 
                each = length(unique(names_to_repair))
#   person    V1 V2_df1 V3_df1 V2_df2 V3_df2
#   <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
# 1 A          1      3      3      1      2
# 2 A          1      3      3      1      6
# 3 A          1      3      3      2      5
# 4 B          4      4      5      1      2
# 5 B          4      4      5      1      6
# 6 B          4      4      5      2      5
# 7 C          2      1      1      1      2
# 8 C          2      1      1      1      6
# 9 C          2      1      1      2      5

The disadvantage of this is that there is a room for error when typing the suffixes, or that we might forget to change them if we change the names of the data frames.

Also note that we are checking for names which appear twice. If one of your original data frames already has broken (duplicated) names then this function will also rename those columns. But I think it would be unwise to try to do any type of join if either data frame did not have unique column names.

2. Create a wrapper function around crossing()

This might be more in the spirit of the tidyverse. Thecrossing() docs that you linked to state crossing() is a wrapper around expand_grid(). The source for expand_grid() show that it is basically a wrapper which uses map() to apply vctrs::vec_rep() to some inputs. So if we want to add another function to the call stack, there are two ways I can think of:

Using deparse(substitute())

crossing_fix_names <- function(df_1, df_2) {
    suffixes <- paste0(
        c(deparse(substitute(df_1)), deparse(substitute(df_2)))

        .name_repair = \(x, suffix = suffixes) {
            names_to_repair <- names(which(table(x) == 2))

            x[x %in% names_to_repair] <- paste0(
                x[x %in% names_to_repair], 
                    each = length(unique(names_to_repair))
# Output the same as above
crossing_fix_names(df1, df2)  

The disadvantage of this is that it uses deparse(substitute()), which is ugly and can occasionally have surprising behaviour. The advantage is we do not need to remember to manually add the suffixes.

Using match.call()

crossing_fix_names2 <- function(df_1, df_2) {
    args  <- as.list(match.call())

    suffixes <- paste0(
        .name_repair = \(x, suffix = suffixes) {
            names_to_repair <- names(which(table(x) == 2))

            x[x %in% names_to_repair] <- paste0(
                x[x %in% names_to_repair],
                    each = length(unique(names_to_repair))

# Also the same output
crossing_fix_names2(df1, df2)

As we don't have the drawbacks of deparse(substitute()) and we don't have to manually specify the suffix, I think this is the probably the best approach.

CodePudding user response:

test for the condition using dputs :

colnames(df1) %in% colnames(df2)


colnames(df2) <- paste0(colnames(df2), '_df2')

then cbind

  person V1 V2 V3 V2_df2 V3_df2
1      A  1  3  3      2      5
2      B  4  4  5      1      6
3      C  2  1  1      1      2

not so elegant, but usefully discernible later.

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