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How to put JavaScript into script element without escaping?


I'd like to generate an HTML document with JSoup (version 1.15.3). The HTML document should contain script with a comparison.

This is the code to create a script element and to fill it with some JavaScript:

Element script = document.getElementsByTag("head").first().appendElement("script");
script.html("var i=0;if(i<5){alert(123);}");

The generated HTML code contains this:

<script>var i=0;if(i&lt;5){alert(123);}</script>

In most other cases I expect that JSoup escapes characters like > and <, but in a script element these characters are intended as-is and I do not want them to get replaced by &gt; or &lt;.

How can I give JSoup the hint not to escape content of a script element?

CodePudding user response:

Use DataNode

Element script = document.getElementsByTag("head").first().appendElement("script");
script.appendChild(new DataNode("var i=0;if(i<5){alert(123);}"));
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