Home > Mobile >  A third of the Android rild (rild3) service process starts
A third of the Android rild (rild3) service process starts


in android7.1 source project directory device/end/common/rootdir/etc/init. End. Rc file, will have the following services:
Service ril daemon2/system/bin/rild - c 2
The class main
The socket rild2 stream 660 root radio
The socket rild - debug2 stream 660 radio system
The user root
Group radio cache inet misc audio sdcard_r sdcard_rw qcom_diag diag log

Service ril daemon3/system/bin/rild - 3 c
The class main
The socket rild3 stream 660 root radio
The socket rild - debug3 stream 660 radio system
The user root
Group radio cache inet misc audio sdcard_r sdcard_rw qcom_diag diag log
normal source will start two rild service process (rild, rild2), one is in rild. Rc file, the other is in the init. Rc, and the third rild process (ril - daemon3) in the source code is not starting, now I want to let the ril - daemon3 process, how to modify the source code?

CodePudding user response:

For help,,,

CodePudding user response:

On the property: sys. Reset. Rild=0
Stop ril - daemon3
On the property: sys. Reset. Rild=1
Stop ril - daemon3
This is the attribute, and then to set where you want to open the sys. Reset. Rild this value to open the closed

Can also be in vendor/mediatek/proprietary/hardware/gsm0710muxd/SRC/gsm0710muxd. C
The inside property_set (" CTL. Start ", "ril - daemon3"); This method is open

CodePudding user response:

On the property: sys. Reset. Rild=0
Stop ril - daemon3
On the property: sys. Reset. Rild=1
Start ril - daemon3
Write the wrong
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