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Angular render html before rxjs response


I want to show some html code based on response,but HTML render before receive response.


 <div *ngIf="medias.length > 0">
    some text

<div *ngIf="!medias.length > 0">
    some other text


ngOnInit(): void {

medias: Array<T> = [];

getMedias() {
   .subscribe(data => {
     this.medias = data

According to the code above firstly show "some other text" and after receive response,show "some text"

I trying to handle with skip() and skipWhile() but nothing change.

CodePudding user response:

Multiple problems here.

First, use RxJS to its full potential. Then, use Angular to its full potential too. Finally, use the correct conditions to make it all work.

<ng-container *ngIf="medias$ | async as medias">

  <div *ngIf="medias.length; else noMedia">
    Some media : {{ medias.length }}

  <ng-template #noMedia>
    No media


medias$ = this.getMedias().pipe(shareReplay(1));

getMedias() {
  return this.controllerApiService.getById();

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