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Video Player Local Storage


I want to store video duration and ``src to local storage, but this code not working. The video src and duration showing in inspect element application local storage but not working for the video player.

window.addEventListener("unload", () => {
  let setDuration = localStorage.setItem(
  let setSrc = localStorage.setItem("src", `${mainVideo.getAttribute("src")}`);

window.addEventListener("load", () => {
  let getDuration = localStorage.getItem("duration");
  let getSrc = localStorage.getItem("src").src;
  if (getSrc) {
    mainVideo.src = getSrc;
    mainVideo.currentTime = getDuration;

CodePudding user response:

One problem certainly lays right here


You are trying to read the property src but localStorage.getItem("src") returns a string or null not an object. Remove the .src part and that error will be resolved.

I'm sorry if that wasn't your problem. If so please provide further information about your problem or any error messages.

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