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Decryption algorithms for compression


Now have this encryption algorithm
Public static String a (byte [] arg4) {
The Exception v0_1;
Throwable v0_2;
GZIPOutputStream v1_2;
The String where v0=null;
ByteArrayOutputStream v2=new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
Try {
V1_2=new GZIPOutputStream (((OutputStream) v2));
The catch (Throwable v1) {
Throwable v3_1=v1;
V1_2=((GZIPOutputStream) where v0);
Goto label_19;
The catch (Exception v1_1) {
The Exception v3=v1_1;
V1_2=((GZIPOutputStream) where v0);
Goto label_17;

Try {
V1_2. Write (arg4);
V1_2. Flush ();
If (v1_2==null) {
Goto label_9;

Goto label_8;
The catch (Throwable v0_2) {
The catch (Exception v0_1) {
Try {
Throw v0_1;
The catch (Throwable v0_2) {

If (v1_2!=null) {
Try {
V1_2. Close ();
The catch (Exception v1_1) {
Throw v0_2;
Try {
V1_2. Close ();
The catch (Exception v1_1) {

If (v2!=null) {
Where v0=v2. ToString (" ISO - 8859-1 ");

Return where v0;
How to make a decompression out
Public static String uncompress (String STR) throws IOException {
If (STR==null | | STR. The length ()==0) {
Return the STR;
ByteArrayOutputStream out=new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
ByteArrayInputStream in=new ByteArrayInputStream (STR) getBytes (" iso - 8859-1 "));
GZIPInputStream gunzip=new GZIPInputStream (in);
Byte [] buffer=new byte [256].
int n;
While ((n=gunzip. Read (buffer)) & gt;=0) {
Out. Write (buffer, 0, n);
Return out. The toString ();
} I wrote this a function to decrypt, and guide the
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