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Google sheets formula to count total rows in a range if in that range the date in column a is equal


I’m in Google Sheets and I imported data collected all last year. In column a I have a time stamp with the date and time. In column b I have a dollar amount. That’s in a sheet, for this example, is called Sheet A.


Now, I have a Sheet B where I have the days of 2022 going down. So row 2 has 1/1/2022 and row 3 has 1/2/2022, and so on and so on.



Sheet b has an interesting format, please check the sample sheet link below to see the format.


In sheet b, next to each of the dates I have 2 columns, one for count and one for dollar amount. I would like it so that in the count column, it counts each row instance in sheet a that matches the date next to it in one column, and then counts the total dollar amount in another column.

So in sheet b, row one column a is 1/1/2022, column b is the count, and column c is the total dollar amount.

Please help me, I can not figure this out.

I’ve tried a lot, nothing has worked. I’m not formatting the formulas correctly I assume.

Here is the sheet I created for the example, if you could please use it to show me what to do. enter image description here

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