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How to change background color of selected items in GridItemsLayout of CollectionView in Maui?


I'm trying to set the background color of all selected items in a CollectionView for which I'm using a GridItemsLayout. I have seen ways to change the background color if I use a Grid layout within my CollectionView's DataTemplate here. However, I'm trying to keep the coding simple by using the inherent GridItemsLayout capability of the CollectionView. I keep thinking there must be a simple way to accomplish this that I'm missing.

Here is my current Xaml that uses the detault background color for item selection.

        <CollectionView x:Name="BrandsToUseCollectionView" ItemsSource="{x:Static vm:BrandsToUseVM.AllBrandNames}"
                        SelectionMode="Multiple" SelectedItems="{Binding BrandNamesSelected}"
                        SelectionChanged="OnBrandSelectionChanged" Margin="15,15,15,0">
                <GridItemsLayout Span="2" Orientation="Vertical" VerticalItemSpacing="10" HorizontalItemSpacing="15" />
                    <Label FontAttributes="Bold" Padding="0,7,0,0" HeightRequest="40" VerticalOptions="Center"
                               HorizontalOptions="Center" FontSize="Medium" Text="{Binding .}">

While I can insert a <Grid> into the DataTemplate and use VisualStateManager as a workaround, I'm hopeful one of you much more experienced developers can make this simpler for me and others now and for the future using Xaml or, if needed, in the code-behind.

CodePudding user response:

I don't know exact details, but I assume OnBrandSelectionChanged gets a list of items that have changed.

Add a Color BrandBackgroundColor property to your BrandName class.

If BrandName is currently just string, define a class, and make your current string one of its properties. Then convert Selected to a color.

Something like:

... OnBrandSelectionChanged(...)
  // ??? I don't know parameters for this method.
  // for each changed item ...
  foreach (BrandName brandName in ???)
    // How does OnBrandSelectionChanged see which are selected, which are unselected?
    bool selected = ...;


public ObservableCollection<BrandName> AllBrandNames ...

class BrandName : ObservableObject
  // --- Put your existing string here. ---
  public string Name
    get => name;
    set => SetProperty(ref name, value);
  private string name;

  // --- code for SetSelected and BrandBackgroundColor ---
  public void SetSelected(bool selected)
    BrandBackgroundColor = selected ? MySelectedColor : MyDefaultBackgroundColor;

  static Color MySelectedColor = ...;
  static Color MyDefaultBackgroundColor = ...;

  public Color BrandBackgroundColor {
    get => backgroundColor;
    set => SetProperty(ref backgroundColor, value);
  private Color backgroundColor;
    <Label ... BackgroundColor="{Binding BrandBackgroundColor}" ...

TO FILL GRID CELL with background color

Use properties to tell label to fill the area:

    <Label ... BackgroundColor="{Binding BrandBackgroundColor}"
        HorizontalOptions="Fill" VerticalOptions="Fill" ...

NOTE: If text of label doesn't show up where you want it to within the grid cell, use appropriate HorizontalTextAlignment and VerticalTextAlignment values.

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