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Explode rows with number ranges into one row per number


My table looks like this:

from to status
1 3 invalid
10 15 valid

How can I efficiently SELECT or produce a result like this:

serial status
1 invalid
2 invalid
3 invalid
10 valid
11 valid
12 valid
13 valid
14 valid
15 valid

CodePudding user response:

Use lateral join.

with t ("from", "to", status) as (values (1, 3, 'invalid'), (10, 15, 'valid'))
select l.val serial, t.status status
from t 
cross join lateral generate_series(t."from", t."to", 1) as l(val);

CodePudding user response:

Using a calendar table approach we can try:

WITH nums AS ( 
    SELECT generate_series(1, 15) AS num

SELECT n.num AS serial, t.status
FROM nums n
INNER JOIN yourTable t
    ON n.num BETWEEN t."from" AND t."to"
ORDER BY n.num;


Note in the event that your actual data could have from-to ranges which might overlap, you may want to consider adding a primary key to your table. This primary key could then be used in ordering the output as you want to see it.

CodePudding user response:

first CTE is your table,so:

with _data as (
select * from (values (1,3,'invalid'), (10,15,'valid')) as t("from","to","status")

SELECT generate_series(_data.from, _data.to) AS serial,
from _data


1   invalid
2   invalid
3   invalid
10  valid
11  valid
12  valid
13  valid
14  valid
15  valid

CodePudding user response:

A generalized solution would require a recursive query:

  • base step gathers current records
  • recursive step adds 1 to "from", till "from" reaches the "to" value.
    SELECT * FROM tab
    SELECT from_   1 AS from_, to_, status
    FROM cte
    WHERE from_   1 <= to_ 
SELECT from_ AS serial, status 
FROM cte 
ORDER BY from_, to_

Check the demo here.

CodePudding user response:

Except for the column that is named from (reserved keyword), the query is simple:

SELECT generate_series("from", "to") AS serial, status
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