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CSS Selector found with rvest and not with RSelenium


The goal is to read the 1-5yr GIC rates for Guaranteed Investment Certificate - Long-Term and Compound Interest under the Non-Cashable GICs tab.

Selector Gadget tells me that the css identifier is #container-9565195e5e .cmp-chart__chart span. Using rvest:

page <- read_html('https://www.td.com/ca/en/personal-banking/products/saving-investing/gic-rates-canada/')
page %>% 
  html_nodes("#container-9565195e5e .cmp-chart__chart span") 

# {xml_nodeset (5)}
# [1] <span data-source="tdct-gic" data-view="single" data-filter-item="productId:315|minimumDepositAmt:0.01|minimumTermYearCnt:1" data-value="postedRate"></span>
#   [2] <span data-source="tdct-gic" data-view="single" data-filter-item="productId:315|minimumDepositAmt:0.01|minimumTermYearCnt:2" data-value="postedRate"></span>
#   [3] <span data-source="tdct-gic" data-view="single" data-filter-item="productId:315|minimumDepositAmt:0.01|minimumTermYearCnt:3" data-value="postedRate"></span>
#   [4] <span data-source="tdct-gic" data-view="single" data-filter-item="productId:315|minimumDepositAmt:0.01|minimumTermYearCnt:4" data-value="postedRate"></span>
#   [5] <span data-source="tdct-gic" data-view="single" data-filter-item="productId:315|minimumDepositAmt:0.01|minimumTermYearCnt:5" data-value="postedRate"></span>}

rvest can't read the actual rates because of the use of JavaScript on the site.

Turning to RSelenium using the same css selector results in an error:

webElem <- remDr$findElement(using = "css", "#container-9565195e5e .cmp-chart__chart span")

# Selenium message:Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector","selector":"#container-9565195e5e .cmp-chart__chart span"}
# For documentation on this error, please visit: http://seleniumhq.org/exceptions/no_such_element.html
# Build info: version: '2.53.1', revision: 'a36b8b1', time: '2016-06-30 17:37:03'
# System info: host: 'ef4080d2cb73', ip: '', os.name: 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '5.4.0-135-generic', java.version: '1.8.0_91'
# Driver info: driver.version: unknown
# Error:     Summary: NoSuchElement
# Detail: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.
# class: org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException
# Further Details: run errorDetails method

So how do I use RSelenium to read the 1-5yr rates for Guaranteed Investment Certificate - Long-Term and Compound Interest for Non-registered and Registered (TFSA, RSP, RIF, RESP)

CodePudding user response:

Replaced RSelenium with Chromote (which is on its way to rvest: r4ds, gh). The selector in question seems to refer to another table, Long-Term and Simple Interest. While values are currently the same, still switched to the one mentioned in question.

b <- ChromoteSession$new()
# Display the current session in the Chromote browser:
# b$view()


# Non-Cashable GICs >> Guaranteed Investment Certificate - Long-Term and Compound Interest
b$Runtime$evaluate("document.querySelector('#container-8a263227af table').outerHTML")$result$value %>% 
  minimal_html() %>% 
  html_element("table") %>% 
#> # A tibble: 5 × 2
#>   Term    `Non-registered and Registered (TFSA, RSP, RIF, RESP)`
#>   <chr>   <chr>                                                 
#> 1 1 year  4.65%                                                 
#> 2 2 years 4.35%                                                 
#> 3 3 years 3.75%                                                 
#> 4 4 years 4%                                                    
#> 5 5 years 4.05%
### Few alternatives
# evalute js in runtime: 
sapply(1:5, \(x) b$Runtime$evaluate(paste0("document.querySelector('[data-filter-item=\"productId:703|minimumDepositAmt:0.01|minimumTermYearCnt:",x,"\"]').innerText"))$result$value)
#> [1] "4.65" "4.35" "3.75" "4"    "4.05"

doc <- b$DOM$getDocument()
# elements where "data-filter-item" attribute starts with "productId:703|minimumDepositAmt:0.01|minimumTermYearCnt:"
nodeids <- b$DOM$querySelectorAll(doc$root$nodeId, '[data-filter-item^="productId:703|minimumDepositAmt:0.01|minimumTermYearCnt:"]')
sapply(nodeids$nodeIds, \(x) b$DOM$getOuterHTML(x) %>% minimal_html() %>% html_text())
#> [1] "4.65" "4.35" "3.75" "4"    "4.05"

# close session
#> [1] TRUE

Created on 2023-01-21 with reprex v2.0.2

CodePudding user response:

The page does an initial POST request that gets all the data (let's call it master) for all the options. It then uses the various data-filter-item attribute values associated with the table cells e.g. data-filter-item="productId:703|minimumDepositAmt:0.01|minimumTermYearCnt:1" to filter the master data initially returned to the items specific to the table and updates the table accordingly.

You can replicate this post request, create a dataframe of all values, then extract the required filters

> filters
[1] "productId:703|minimumDepositAmt:0.01|minimumTermYearCnt:1" "productId:703|minimumDepositAmt:0.01|minimumTermYearCnt:2"
[3] "productId:703|minimumDepositAmt:0.01|minimumTermYearCnt:3" "productId:703|minimumDepositAmt:0.01|minimumTermYearCnt:4"
[5] "productId:703|minimumDepositAmt:0.01|minimumTermYearCnt:5"

and turn into a dataframe, then subset the master table by the smaller dataframe (as column names will be matched upon if set in the master using the key values from the key:value response.)

Finally, update the table, when extracted from request response for initial webpage, by updating the relevant column with the rate % from the filtered master dataframe.

The html from the initial webpage is invalid so the css path is not as straightforward as I would like, but the selector list I went with was designed with hopefully a longer shelf-life in terms of remaining valid for longer than a more brittle path might.

One other thing to show might be the response from the POST request which has the following key:value format where I use the key column to generate headers for my filtering instructions dataframe, and the values get turned into the master dataframe of all possible rates (and other dynamic page info)


I took the approach used by @akrun in their answer here, whereby read.dcf is used to map out a set of rows with potentially repeated/new headers into a single dataframe with all headers present and NA entered if a particular entry is not present in a given processed row.

This allowed me to turn this list of split filtering instructions:

> lapply(filters, str_split, "\\|") %>% unlist(recursive = F)
[1] "productId:703"          "minimumDepositAmt:0.01" "minimumTermYearCnt:1"  

[1] "productId:703"          "minimumDepositAmt:0.01" "minimumTermYearCnt:2"  

[1] "productId:703"          "minimumDepositAmt:0.01" "minimumTermYearCnt:3"  

[1] "productId:703"          "minimumDepositAmt:0.01" "minimumTermYearCnt:4"  

[1] "productId:703"          "minimumDepositAmt:0.01" "minimumTermYearCnt:5"  

into this:

> data_df
  productId minimumDepositAmt minimumTermYearCnt
1       703              0.01                  1
2       703              0.01                  2
3       703              0.01                  3
4       703              0.01                  4
5       703              0.01                  5

i.e. the set of filtering instructions for the master dataframe as a dataframe

The master dataframe looking as follows:

> df %>% head()

  productId minimumDepositAmt maximumDepositAmt minimumTermYearCnt maximumTermYearCnt minimumTermDayCnt maximumTermDayCnt postedRate
1       107              0.01           4999.99                  0                  0                90               119          4
2       107              5000           9999.99                  0                  0                90               119          4
3       107             10000          24999.99                  0                  0                90               119          4
4       107             25000          49999.99                  0                  0                90               119          4
5       107             50000          99999.99                  0                  0                90               119          4
6       107            100000         249999.99                  0                  0                90               119          4
  minimumMarketGrowthRate maximumMarketGrowthRate stepperYear1Rate stepperYear2Rate stepperYear3Rate stepperYear4Rate stepperYear5Rate
1                       0                       0                0                0                0                0                0
2                       0                       0                0                0                0                0                0
3                       0                       0                0                0                0                0                0
4                       0                       0                0                0                0                0                0
5                       0                       0                0                0                0                0                0
6                       0                       0                0                0                0                0                0

The subset master dataframe:

> filtered_df
  productId minimumDepositAmt minimumTermYearCnt maximumDepositAmt maximumTermYearCnt minimumTermDayCnt maximumTermDayCnt postedRate
1       703              0.01                  1           4999.99                  1                 0               364       4.65
2       703              0.01                  2           4999.99                  2                 0               364       4.35
3       703              0.01                  3           4999.99                  3                 0               364       3.75
4       703              0.01                  4           4999.99                  4                 0               364          4
5       703              0.01                  5           4999.99                  5                 0               364       4.05
  minimumMarketGrowthRate maximumMarketGrowthRate stepperYear1Rate stepperYear2Rate stepperYear3Rate stepperYear4Rate stepperYear5Rate
1                       0                       0                0                0                0                0                0
2                       0                       0                0                0                0                0                0
3                       0                       0                0                0                0                0                0
4                       0                       0                0                0                0                0                0
5                       0                       0                0                0                0                0                0

The extracted table, from initial page, before update:

> table
# A tibble: 5 × 2
  Term    `Non-registered and Registered (TFSA, RSP, RIF, RESP)`
  <chr>   <chr>                                                 
1 1 year  %                                                     
2 2 years %                                                     
3 3 years %                                                     
4 4 years %                                                     
5 5 years %  

And the table after update using master (df - data from POST request to get rates info):

> print(table)
# A tibble: 5 × 2
  Term    `Non-registered and Registered (TFSA, RSP, RIF, RESP)`
  <chr>   <chr>                                                 
1 1 year  4.65%                                                 
2 2 years 4.35%                                                 
3 3 years 3.75%                                                 
4 4 years 4%                                                    
5 5 years 4.05% 



page <- read_html("https://www.td.com/ca/en/personal-banking/personal-investing/products/gic/gic-rates-canada")
table_node <- page %>%
  html_element('div.container:contains("Guaranteed Investment Certificate - Long-Term") .text:contains("Compound") ~ div table')

filters <- table_node %>%
  html_elements("[data-filter-item]") %>%

res <- request("https://www.td.com/ca/en/personal-banking/getRates/") %>%
    "user-agent" = "Mozilla/4.0", "content-type" = "application/json",
    "x-kl-ajax-request" = "Ajax_Request"
  ) %>%
  req_body_json(list("errorText" = "Unable to get the rate", "ratesType" = "gic")) %>%
  req_perform() %>%

data <- jsonlite::parse_json(res, simplifyVector = T)

df <- set_names(data$value %>% as.data.frame(), data$key)

data_df <- map_dfr(lapply(filters, str_split, "\\|") %>% unlist(recursive = F), ~ {
  new <-
    if (length(new) > 0) {
    } else {

filtered_df <- inner_join(data_df, df)

table <- table_node %>% html_table()

table[2] <- str_c(filtered_df$postedRate, table[[2]])

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