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how can I ask another questions in my code after choosing one of the options?


Hello I have a problem with this exercise: Write a program that calculates the area of a figure?

What figure? 1 - rectangle, 2 - triangle if user will choose rectangle the program should ask questions: -Enter base length: -Enter the height of the rectangle: statement: This field is:

if user will choose second options what is triangle a program will ask questions as: -Enter the side length -Enter the length of side statement: The area of the triangle is:

    var bok1 = Number(prompt("Ile wynosi pierwszy bok prostokata?"));
    var bok2 = Number(prompt("Ile wynosi drugi bok prostokata?"));
    var podstawa trojkata = Number(prompt("Podaj długość podstawy:"));
    var wysokosc trojkata = Number(prompt("Podaj wysokosc podstawy:"));
    var co_obliczyc = (prompt("Co chcesz obliczyc? prostokat czy trojkat?"));
    switch(co_obliczyc) {

so I wrote sth like that and stuck I don't want my program to ask every questions at first and then calculate I want program to ask about the figure then if user will chose one of this he has to give dimensions for the selected figure I have no idea how to do this please help

CodePudding user response:

Just swap the order of questions:

var co_obliczyc = (prompt("Co chcesz obliczyc? prostokat czy trojkat?"));
switch(co_obliczyc) {
   case "prostokat":
      var bok1 = Number(prompt("Ile wynosi pierwszy bok prostokata?"));
      var bok2 = Number(prompt("Ile wynosi drugi bok prostokata?"));
      //logic for rectangle
   case "trojkat":
      var podstawa_trojkata = Number(prompt("Podaj długość podstawy:"));
      var wysokosc_trojkata = Number(prompt("Podaj wysokosc podstawy:"));
      //logic for triangle
      alert("Not implemented")//Sorry, I don't know how to write it in Polish
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