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Calculating the time and converting into Days, Hours and Minutes


I have been trying to convert the subtracted time to days, hours and minutes but my formula is missing with some functionality which i am unable to track.

I would appreciate your help.

=INT(I4)&" days "&TEXT(I4,"h"" hrs ""m"" mins """)

I have attached a Sheet where i have made all these calculation.

=ArrayFormula(LAMBDA(dif,IF(D4:D="","",IF(ROUNDDOWN(HOUR(dif)/9)=0,"",ROUNDDOWN(HOUR(dif)/9)&" days ")
&IF(MOD(HOUR(dif),9)=0,"",MOD(HOUR(dif),9)&" hs.")&IF(MINUTE(dif)=0,"",MINUTE(dif)&" mins")))
(E4:E-D4:D IF(E4:E<D4:D,1,0)))

PS: You can change the 9 to a cell that actually contains the value of the shift, in case it can change

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