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QT the adaptive threshold


Urgent please!!!!!! Why in qt creator with the adaptive threshold function adaptive binarization complains! Use thresh, there is no problem?
Step through display problem: NewAdaThresImage cannot access? If the threshold is a perfect show, so I think the header files and so on should be no problem... Part of the code is as follows:
 void Detection: : on_thresh_clicked () 
Mat NewSmoothImage;
Mat NewAdaThresImage;
MedianBlur (image, NewSmoothImage, 5);
Int adaptiveMethod=0;
Int thresholdType=1;
AdaptiveThreshold (NewSmoothImage NewAdaThresImage, 255, adaptiveMethod, thresholdType, 9, 5);
//threshold (NewSmoothImage NewAdaThresImage, 100, 255, THRESH_BINARY);
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  • Qt
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