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Android using ksoap2 jar packages, the server is not received parameter is null, the null pointer, c


 public class ConnectSQL {
/* *
A return value. * @ the return of the WebService
Private static String WEB_SERVICE_URL="HTTP://http://*. * : 80/Service1. Asmx? Op=";//test

Private static String Namespace="http://tempuri.org/";

String ExceptionResult=null;

Public String CallWebService (String MethodName, Map Params) {
Try {
//1, specifies the namespace and invoke methods webservice
SoapObject request=new SoapObject (Namespace, MethodName);
//2, set the parameter values of calls the method, if there are no parameters, can be omitted,
If (Params!=null) {
@ SuppressWarnings (" rawtypes ")
The Iterator iter=Params. EntrySet (). The Iterator ();
While (iter. HasNext () & amp; & Iter!=null) {
@ SuppressWarnings (" rawtypes ")
Map.Entry entry=(Map.Entry) iter.next();
//set to invoke the web service interface to the incoming parameter
//the original written
//request. AddProperty ((String) entry. GetKey (), (String) entry. The getValue ());
//soapObject. AddProperty (key, params. Get (key));
////revised writing (must need to invoke the web service interface to set parameters)
PropertyInfo PI=new PropertyInfo ();
PI. SetNamespace (Namespace);
PI. Elegantly-named setName ((String) entry. GetKey ());
PI. SetValue ((String) entry. The getValue ());
PI. SetType (entry. GetValue () getClass ());
Request. AddProperty (PI);
//3, the Webservice calling SOAP request information, this information by SoapSerializationEnvelope object description
//create SoapSerializationEnvelope object and specify the soap version
SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope=new SoapSerializationEnvelope (SoapEnvelope. VER12);
//because it is sending a request, so is to set up bodyOut
Envelope. BodyOut=request;
//c # to write the application must be combined with it, is. Net development webservice, so this should be set to true
Envelope. DotNet=true;
HttpTransportSE ht=new HttpTransportSE (WEB_SERVICE_URL, 20000);
Try {
//call method is used to invoke the web service method
Ht. The call (null, envelope);
} the catch (HttpResponseException e) {
ExceptionResult="anomalies information is as follows:" + e. oString ();
} the catch (IOException e) {
ExceptionResult="anomalies information is as follows:" + e. oString ();
} the catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
ExceptionResult="anomalies information is as follows:" + e. oString ();
//get the data returned
SoapObject object=(SoapObject) envelope. BodyIn;
//get the result returned
The String result=object. GetProperty (0). The toString ();
If (result!=null) {
return result;
} the catch (Exception e) {
Return anomalies information is as follows: "unknown error" + e. oString ();
Return ExceptionResult;

C #
 using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
Using System. The Web;
Using System. Web. Services;
Using LinkedMesService. Linked;
Using System. Drawing. Printing;
Using System. Drawing;

The namespace LinkedMesService

[WebService (Namespace="http://tempuri.org/")]
[WebServiceBinding (ConformsTo=WsiProfiles. BasicProfile1_1)]
[System.Com ponentModel ToolboxItem (false)]
Public class Service1: System. Web. Services. WebService
Public string getResult (string SQL)
Return LoadResult. LoadData (SQL);

Public string insertData (string SQL)
Return LoadResult. InsertData (SQL);

Public int insertProc (string tableName, string fields, string values)
Return LoadResult. InsertProc (tableName, fields and values).

Public String selectMBRowData (String WorkOrderNo, String CreatePS, String ActionName, String Shift, String machineNo, String lotNo)
Return LoadResult. SelectMBRowData (WorkOrderNo CreatePS, ActionName, Shift, machineNo, lotNo);

Public String initButtonStatus (String machineNo, String procName)
Return LoadResult. InitButtonStatus (machineNo, procName);

Public String getWaferInfo (String selectCondition)
Return LoadResult. GetWaferInfo (selectCondition);

Public String getRowNum (String WorkOrderNo)
Return LoadResult. GetRowNum (WorkOrderNo);

Public String UpdatePutInQty (String WorkOrderNo, String BatchNo)
Return LoadResult. UpdatePutInQty (WorkOrderNo, BatchNo);

Public String productVsMaterial (String WorkOrderNo, String CreatePS, String ActionName, String ActionDesc,
String MachineNo, string NowAntennaBatchNo, string NowWaferBatchNo, string NowACPBatchNo, string nowMinAcpNo, string procName)
Return LoadResult. ProductVsMaterial (WorkOrderNo CreatePS, ActionName, ActionDesc, MachineNo,
NowAntennaBatchNo NowWaferBatchNo, NowACPBatchNo nowMinAcpNo, procName);

Public String getBigBatchNo (String MachineNo, int GoodOrBad, String procName)
Return LoadResult. GetBigBatchNo (MachineNo GoodOrBad, procName);

Public String LoadingBatchNo (String BatchNoString, String PrevBatchNoString, String WorkOrderNo, String CreatePS, String MachineNo, String ActionName, int RelationNo, String procName)
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