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Enterprise WeChat initiated self-built application for examination and approval of how to implement


Wx. Config () and wx. Wx. AgentConfig () have returned ok explain injection permissions should be successful, why wx. Invoke (' thirdPartyOpenPage ") does not seem to be executed, also did not return an error, consult, and wx. Although agentConfig return ok but always in the developer tool tip "TypeError: wx. AgentConfig is not a function"

Wx. Ready (function () {

Wx. AgentConfig ({
Corpid: '& lt; % %=AppID & gt; '
Agentid: '1000005',
Timestamp: & lt; % %=timestamp & gt; ,
NonceStr: '& lt; % %=noncestr & gt; '
Signature: '& lt; % %=signature2 & gt; '
JsApiList: [
Success: the function (res) {
Alert (" wx agentconfig ok ");

Fail: function (res) {
Alert (" wx agentconfig error: "+ res., errMsg);

Wx. Invoke (' thirdPartyOpenPage '{
"OaType" : "10001",
"TemplateId" : "04174 d8c4076102ba1cd65c27d0ffc4d_2129213612",
"ThirdNo" : "A201902011001,"
"ExtData" : {
'fieldList: [{
'title' : 'procurement type'
'type' : 'text',
'value' : 'marketing activities,
'title' : 'order links',
'type' : 'link',
'value' : 'https://work.weixin.qq.com',
The function (res) {
Alert (JSON. Stringify (res));


CodePudding user response:

This I also met, because agentConfig can only be used in the enterprise WeChat, so use the browser does not recognize, don't know whether that is,

CodePudding user response:

Should it be used to jump a successively in the order of relationship, can have a try??
Wx. Config ({})
Wx. Ready (()=& gt; {
Wx. CheckJsApi ({
JsApiList: [' agentConfig],
Success: (res)=& gt; {
Wx. AgentConfig ({})

CodePudding user response:

Wx. Config () to verify quickly, wx agentConfig validation () slowly wx. Invoke has not been successful (' thirdPartyOpenPage '

CodePudding user response:

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