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# WeChat public background audio playback is how to achieve?


# WeChat public background audio playback is how to achieve? After close the page in WeChat also can continue to play, you need to use WeChat interface?

https://app0ut4ifqj1804.h5.xiaoeknow.com/v1/course/audio/a_5f4a4eb4e4b0477ccba77908? Type=2 & amp; The available=1 & amp; Available_product=0 & amp; Share_user_id=u_5f96fd542c917_mLdCLV1rLL & amp; Share_type=100 & amp; Scene=% E5 AB& BA E4 % % % 88% 86%; Pro_id=p_5f48f81ce4b0182a9832bad6 & amp; Entry=2 & amp; Entry_type=2001 & amp; Is_redirect=1
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