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Questions about the Notification does not display


Urgent urgent!!! Help you a great god, and I have no way to display the Notification of how all, is one of the most simple indication is not come, the console also does not have any mistakes, here is my source code, small white for a great god!!!!!!

Button. SetOnClickListener (new View. An OnClickListener () {
@ Override
Public void onClick (View v) {
String id="my_channel_01";
String name="I am channel name";
NotificationManager manager=(NotificationManager) getSystemService (NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
The v (" MainActivity ", "12312");
Notification Notification=null;
If (Build) VERSION) SDK_INT & gt;=Build. VERSION_CODES. O {
NotificationChannel mChannel=new NotificationChannel (id, name, NotificationManager. IMPORTANCE_LOW);
Toast. MakeText (MainActivity. This mChannel. The toString (), Toast. LENGTH_SHORT), show ();
Manager. CreateNotificationChannel (mChannel);
Notification=new notification. Builder (MainActivity. This null)
SetChannelId (id)
. SetContentTitle (" 5 new messages ")
. SetContentText (" hahaha ")
SetSmallIcon (R.m ipmap. Ic_launcher). The build ();
} else {
NotificationCompat. Builder notificationBuilder=new NotificationCompat. Builder (MainActivity. This null)
. SetContentTitle (" 5 new messages ")
. SetContentText (" hahaha ")
SetSmallIcon (R.m ipmap. Ic_launcher)
SetOngoing (true);
Notification=notificationBuilder. The build ();
Manager. Notify (111123, notification);

CodePudding user response:

NotificationManagerCompat. The from (this). AreNotificationsEnabled ();
See if permissions

CodePudding user response:

8.0 the system, please click https://blog.csdn.net/qq_35749683/article/details/80451791
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