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Qt Win10 compiled under the arm


Qt version: 5.10.1
The local environment: Win10 x64
Arm environment: Ubuntu14.04 32-bit
Now I want to achieve in the Qt application of local cross-compilation arm, how to implement?
Below is I tried, there is no functionality:
1, the local installed vs2015 + Qt5.10.1 64 + Python3.8.2 Perl5.28.1 + + MinGW + linaro company of GCC - linaro - arm - Linux - gnueabihf - 4.9-2014.07-20140726 _win32. Exe.
2, download qt - everywhere - SRC - 5.10.1. Tar. Xz after local decompression, modify the qt source directory qtbase \ mkspecs \ Linux - arm - gnueabi - g + + \ qmake conf configuration files,
3, the implementation of the configure. Bat - release - opensource - prefix E: \ qt - everywhere - SRC - 5.10.1 \ qtbase - nomake tests - nomake examples - no - opengl - skip qtvirtualkeyboard xplatform Linux - arm - gnueabi - g + + failure, by running the local vs2015 vcvarsall under VC under the installation path. After the bat can perform the configure. Bat;
4, perform mingw32 - make failure to perform after nmake to compile successfully;
5, perform nmake install installation;
6, in the local open QtCreator, add compiler GCC, choice of arm - Linux - gnueabihf - GCC - 4.9.1. Exe.
7, set the make path: click on the Add, find minGW installation directory in the bin mingw32 - make. Exe.
8, Qt version installed, the route choice just compile E: \ Qt - everywhere - SRC - 5.10.1 \ qtbase \ bin \ qmake exeqmake. Exe.
9, build suite, click add, and select set before good cross compiler and Qt version, click Apply.
10, using QtCreator new test demo, suggesting the Project ERROR: Could not find feature force_asserts.
Could you tell me the Project ERROR: Could not find feature force_asserts. How to solve this problem?
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