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LFLiveKit - ReplayKit record the screen no sound


IOS use LFLiveKit - ReplayKit record the screen, when selecting audio quality LFLiveAudioQuality_Low will prompt AudioCodecInitialize failed, pushing up stream video, there is no sound, with LFLiveAudioQuality_Medium above is full of noise, and in this case?

Push flow of host using ffmpeg ffplay and Nginx RTMP mode

The agreement with RTMP,

Push the flow with the content of the Video and Audio,

The following is the session Settings,
- (LFLiveSession *) session {
If (_session==nil) {

LFLiveAudioConfiguration * audioConfiguration=[LFLiveAudioConfiguration defaultConfigurationForQuality: LFLiveAudioQuality_Low];
AudioConfiguration. NumberOfChannels=1;
LFLiveVideoConfiguration * videoConfiguration;

VideoConfiguration=[LFLiveVideoConfiguration defaultConfigurationForQuality: (_frameQuality==0)? LFLiveVideoQuality_High2: (_frameQuality==1)? LFLiveVideoQuality_Medium2: LFLiveVideoQuality_Low2 outputImageOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight];

VideoConfiguration. Autorotate=YES;

_session=[[LFLiveSession alloc] initWithAudioConfiguration: audioConfiguration videoConfiguration: videoConfiguration captureType: _mic? LFLiveInputMaskAll: LFLiveInputMaskVideo];

_session. Delegate=self;
_session. ShowDebugInfo=YES;

Return _session;

The following is part of the push flow call
[_recorder startCaptureWithHandler: ^ (CMSampleBufferRef _Nonnull sampleBuffer, RPSampleBufferType bufferType, NSError * _Nullable error) {
If (error==nil) {
The switch (bufferType) {
Case RPSampleBufferTypeVideo: {
//NSLog (@ "video content");
[self. Tool sendVideoBuffer: sampleBuffer];

Case RPSampleBufferTypeAudioApp: {
//NSLog (@ "App sound");
[self. Tool sendAudioBuffer: sampleBuffer];
Case RPSampleBufferTypeAudioMic: {
NSLog (@ "microphone sound");
//[self. Tool sendAudioBuffer: sampleBuffer];

} completionHandler: ^ (NSError * _Nullable error) {
If (error!=nil) {
NSLog (@ "error=% @", [the error description]);
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