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The 2020-11-20 19:43:34. 884 28299-28299/com.busybird.com munity E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: the main
Process: com.busybird.com munity, PID: 28299
Android. View. InflateException: Binary XML file line # 2: Binary XML file line # 2: the Error inflating the class layout
Under Caused by: android. View. InflateException: Binary XML file line # 2: the Error inflating the class layout
Under Caused by: Java. Lang. ClassNotFoundException: Didn 't find the class "android. The layout" on the path: DexPathList [[zip file "/system/framework/org. Apache. HTTP. Legacy. The boot. The jar", zip file "/data/app/com.busybird.com munity - Vrgswmi8Yt5sIG29HUCWOA==/base. The apk"], nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.busybird.com munity - Vrgswmi8Yt5sIG29HUCWOA==/lib/arm64, munity - Vrgswmi8Yt5sIG29HUCWOA==/data/app/com.busybird.com/base. The apk!/lib/arm64 - v8a,/system/lib64/system/vendor/lib64]]
The at dalvik. System. BaseDexClassLoader. FindClass (BaseDexClassLoader. Java: 171)
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