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Under ubuntu cross-compilation Qt libraries always compiled through


O god, using cross compile tools compile Qt libraries but

The Project ERROR: Unknown module (s) in QT_PRIVATE: serialport
The Makefile: 48: the recipe for target 'sub - serialbus - make_first failed
Make [2], [* * * sub - serialbus - make_first] Error 3
Make [2] : brigade directory '/home/jj/my - work/transplant/Qt/Qt - everywhere - SRC - 5.13.2 qtserialbus/SRC/'
The Makefile: 48: the recipe for target 'sub - SRC - make_first failed
Make [1] : * * */sub - SRC - make_first Error 2
Make [1] : brigade directory '/home/jj/my - work/transplant/Qt/Qt - everywhere - SRC - 5.13.2/qtserialbus'
Makefile: 226: the recipe for target 'module - qtserialbus - make_first failed
Make: * * * [module - qtserialbus - make_first] Error 2
These cannot be solved,

According to the baidu also find some methods such as:
Sudo apt - get the install libqt5serialport5 - dev libudev - dev

But still no

Compilation is still above mistakes again after installation is complete, have to delete the compiled files, the installation package to extract, compile again,
Is still the above error,
Can you tell me how to solve?

CodePudding user response:

When you perform./configure added - qtserialbus and - qtserialport module, if you don't need a serial port operation, can be executed in./configure plus - skip qtserialbus - skip qtserialport skip this two modules compiled

CodePudding user response:

And also don't work ah
ERROR: Unknown command line option '- qtserialbus.
Or ERROR: Unknown command line option '- qtserialport.
I am such a configuration
sudo ./configure -prefix/usr/local/qt5.13.2 -confirm-license -opensource -shared -release -make libs -xplatform linux-arm-poky-gnueabi-g++ -optimized-qmake -pch -qt-libjpeg -qt-libpng -qt-zlib -no-opengl -no-sse2 -no-openssl -no-cups -no-glib -no-dbus -no-xcb -no-separate-debug-info -no-fontconfig -qtserialbus -qtserialport -nomake examples -nomake tools -nomake tests -no-iconv -skip qtdeclarative -tslib -I/home/jj/my-work/transplant/Qt/tslib-install/include -L/home/jj/my-work/transplant/Qt/tslib-install/lib
If change - skip qtserialbus - skip qtserialport skip,

After the make prompt:
Make [2] : if the directory '/home/jj/my - work/transplant/Qt/Qt - everywhere - SRC - 5.13.2 qttranslations/translations'
Make [2] : * * * No rule to make target '/usr/local/qt5.13.2/bin/lrelease', men by 'assistant_ar. Qm, stop,
Make [2] : brigade directory '/home/jj/my - work/transplant/Qt/Qt - everywhere - SRC - 5.13.2 qttranslations/translations'
The Makefile: 46: the recipe for target 'sub - translations - make_first failed
Make [1] : * * */sub - translations - make_first Error 2
Make [1] : brigade directory '/home/jj/my - work/transplant/Qt/Qt - everywhere - SRC - 5.13.2/qttranslations'
Makefile: 760: the recipe for target 'module - qttranslations - make_first failed
Make: * * * [module - qttranslations - make_first] Error 2
It is other modules also can not find?

CodePudding user response:

You are compiled under the x86 QT, or arm?

CodePudding user response:

Arm's ah, download the qt - everywhere - SRC - 5.13.2. Tar. Xz

CodePudding user response:

In the case of cross compile environment confirm OK,
Whether specified platform

CodePudding user response:

5.9.9 5.12.8, 5.13.2, I cross compile all fine
5.14.0 5.14.1, 5.14.2, I have a problem of cross-compiling

You this is an error occurred when the configure

CodePudding user response:

I'm a transplant arm64 platform, using the GCC - linaro - 7.3.1-2018.05 - x86_64_aarch64 - Linux - this version of the gnu aarch64 - Linux - gnu - GCC cross compile tools, but is compiled say qt module compiler has a problem, but I want to use these modules, is there any solution?

CodePudding user response:

refer to 7th floor JINGDIANSHUANGXI response:
I am a transplant arm64 platform, using the GCC - linaro - 7.3.1-2018.05 - x86_64_aarch64 - Linux - this version of the gnu aarch64 - Linux - gnu - GCC cross compile tools, but is compiled say qt module compiler has a problem, but I want to use these modules, is there any solution?

Met a similar problem before, I was into the error of the class, such as this error is qtserialbus, you use the generated qmake separate compilation qtserialbus module, compiled the whole make again

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor JINGDIANSHUANGXI response:
added doesn't work!
ERROR: Unknown command line option '- qtserialbus.
Or ERROR: Unknown command line option '- qtserialport.
I am such a configuration
sudo ./configure -prefix/usr/local/qt5.13.2 -confirm-license -opensource -shared -release -make libs -xplatform linux-arm-poky-gnueabi-g++ -optimized-qmake -pch -qt-libjpeg -qt-libpng -qt-zlib -no-opengl -no-sse2 -no-openssl -no-cups -no-glib -no-dbus -no-xcb -no-separate-debug-info -no-fontconfig -qtserialbus -qtserialport -nomake examples -nomake tools -nomake tests -no-iconv -skip qtdeclarative -tslib -I/home/jj/my-work/transplant/Qt/tslib-install/include -L/home/jj/my-work/transplant/Qt/tslib-install/lib
If change - skip qtserialbus - skip qtserialport skip,

After the make prompt:
Make [2] : if the directory '/home/jj/my - work/transplant/Qt/Qt - everywhere - SRC - 5.13.2 qttranslations/translations'
Make [2] : * * * No rule to make target '/usr/local/qt5.13.2/bin/lrelease', men by 'assistant_ar. Qm, stop,
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