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Unable to display using canvas met problem: graphics


Grows a new one, small head now have big doubts:
Why do I have to draw the small squares is not show??
I want to achieve square button control, free to move in the screen, with the main code, a great god, please answer:


Public class block extends the View {

Paint Paint.//drawing
Paint paint1.//drawing

Final int width=780;
Final int height=1560;

Final int space=60;//width between

Int vertz=0;//lateral
Int hortz=0;//vertical

int i,j;

Canvas canv;//define the canvas (background)

Private Bitmap mBitmap;//define the bitmap

Int a=0, b=0, c=60, d=60;

Public block (Context Context, int width, int height) {
Super (context);

Paint=new paint ();
Paint. SetColor (Color. YELLOW);//set the color of the line drawing
Paint. SetStrokeJoin (paint. Join. ROUND).//set the style of the joint
Paint. SetStrokeCap (paint. Cap. ROUND).//line style
Paint. SetStrokeWidth (3);//line width

Paint1=new Paint ();
Paint1. SetColor (Color. GREEN);//set the color of the line drawing

//declare the bitmap
MBitmap=Bitmap. CreateBitmap (width, height, Bitmap. Config. ARGB_8888);
//declare the canvas
Canv=new Canvas (mBitmap);

Protected void ontouch (final Canvas Canvas) {

Canvas. DrawBitmap (mBitmap, 0, 0, null);
//set the color of the grid lines
Canvas. DrawColor (Color. GRAY);
//set of grid lines long, wide

For (j=0; J & lt; 27. J++) {

Canvas. DrawLine (0, vertz, width, vertz, paint);
Vertz +=space;
for(i=0; I<14. I++) {
Canvas. DrawLine (hortz, 0, hortz, height, paint);
Hortz +=space;


Public void Beijing (Canvas, Canvas)
Canvas. DrawBitmap (mBitmap, 0, 0, null);
//set the color of the grid lines
Canvas. DrawColor (Color. GRAY);
//set of grid lines long, wide

For (j=0; J & lt; 27. J++) {

Canvas. DrawLine (0, vertz, width, vertz, paint);
Vertz +=space;
for(i=0; I<14. I++) {
Canvas. DrawLine (hortz, 0, hortz, height, paint);
Hortz +=space;


Public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

Private FrameLayout FrameLayout;
Private block block1;
Private ImageView imgView;

@ Override
Protected void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) {
The setContentView (R.l ayout. Activity_main);

FrameLayout=(frameLayout) the findViewById (R.i d.F L);

ImgView=(ImageView) the findViewById (R.i d.i mgView);

Block1=new block (this, 780156);

FrameLayout. AddView (block1);


Public void up (View View) {
//block1 ontouch (block1 canv);
Block1. Beijing (block1. Canv);
Block1) canv) drawRect (block1. A, block1. B - 60, block1. C, block1. D - 60, block1. Paint1);
Toast. MakeText (MainActivity. This, "up", Toast. LENGTH_SHORT), show ();

Public void down (View View) {
//block1 ontouch (block1 canv);
Block1. Beijing (block1. Canv);
Block1) canv) drawRect (block1. A, block1. B + 60, block1. C, block1. D + 60, block1. Paint1);
Toast. MakeText (MainActivity. This, "down", Toast. LENGTH_SHORT), show ();

Public void left (View View) {
//block1 ontouch (block1 canv);
Block1. Beijing (block1. Canv);
Block1) canv) drawRect (block1. A - 60, block1. B, block1. C - 60, block1. D, block1. Paint1);
Toast. MakeText (MainActivity. This "left", Toast. LENGTH_SHORT), show ();

Public void right View (View) {
//block1 ontouch (block1 canv);
Block1. Beijing (block1. Canv);
Block1) canv) drawRect (block1. A + 60, block1. B, block1. C + 60, block1. D, block1. Paint1);
Toast. MakeText (MainActivity. This "right", Toast. LENGTH_SHORT), show ();


CodePudding user response:

You as a constructor,

CodePudding user response:

Bosses can detailed say:

CodePudding user response:

1, block set in setWillNotDraw (false), or ontouch won't execute
Methods of 2, the up and down in the execution of block1. Canv drawing, but the new canv there is no place to display, can be set to block mark, and then ontouch callback, using callback canvs to draw

CodePudding user response:

reference 4 floor weixin_43845112 response:
1, block set in setWillNotDraw (false), or ontouch won't execute
Methods of 2, the up and down in the execution of block1. Canv drawing, but the new canv there is no place to display, can be set to block mark, and then ontouch callback, using canvs callback to draw

Thank you thank you, I try

CodePudding user response:

reference 4 floor weixin_43845112 response:
1, block set in setWillNotDraw (false), or ontouch won't execute
Methods of 2, the up and down in the execution of block1. Canv drawing, but the new canv there is no place to display, can be set to block mark, and then ontouch callback, using canvs callback to draw

To block set mark what is one thing, there is no understand

CodePudding user response:

Such as block1 provide methods
Public void setDirection (int type)//0 left and right 1, 2, 3 {
Enclosing type=type;
Invalidate ().
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