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Apk after decompiling method body is commented


Apk method body be commented after decompiling, consult how to solve?
Public void onChange () {
//Byte code:
//0: aload_0
//1: monitorenter
//2: aload_0
//3: getfield mIsSmsThreadReady: Z
//6: istore_2
//7: iload_2
//8: ifne - & gt; 14
//11: aload_0
//12: monitorexit
//13: return
//14: aload_0
//15: iconst_0
//16: putfield mIsSmsThreadReady: Z
//19: aload_0
//20: getfield mIsCallThreadReady: Z
//23: istore_3
//24: iload_3
//25: ifne - & gt; 31
//28: aload_0
//29: monitorexit
//30: return

CodePudding user response:

CodePudding user response:

This is not necessarily be commented, just the format of the decompiled

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor BDMH response:
this is not necessarily be a comment, just the format of the decompiled

Right, should be compiled format, just looks like a comment

CodePudding user response:

This is decompiled failure, software is helpless to give you a the most close to the source code,

CodePudding user response:

Have a great god know
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