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(turn) the evolution of cross-platform development technology


Mobile Internet after more than 10 years of development, app developers encounter during mobile device screen fragmentation, system version, manufacturers custom flood and so on various development adaptation pain points, because the large amount of energy consumed in the implementation of different platform and solve the problem of all kinds of compatible adapter, causes the project cycle is long, cost increases, the enterprise wants to get the app low-cost implementation on time online appeal is contradictory,

Cross-platform technology is in the process of the birth and development of

Cross-platform technology eliminates the differences between different platforms, developers can through a code, at the same time to develop high performance and experience of the Android/iOS double platform app, the app development mode need 4 day's work, now only 1 person can complete, not only reduce the cost of development of the enterprise, can guarantee the project on schedule, it is also the cross-platform technology with development of high efficiency and not lose the native characteristics of the experience and performance, which still has strong vitality, continuous output value for the enterprise, the mainstream of the app on the market product, more or less in the use of cross platform technology architecture for development, can say the history of the cross-platform technology and mobile almost as long as the history of the Internet itself,

Now cross-platform technology and ecological stability, a consensus has emerged among enterprises and developers of cross-platform technology, and large-scale application to various business scenarios, in the meantime, cross-platform technology to isolate the two main directions:

Mixed direction
HTML 5 + Native hybrid, that is, we usually say that the mixture of development: by HTML 5 quick app UI layout, business logic, involved in the development process it cannot realize the function or bad experience, with the help of a Native module,

The model of the app engine based on the whole the Webview architecture, friendly to the front-end developer, back against the front-end JavaScript huge ecological, front-end app developers without learning new technology and development, represent the direction of technology for Cordova, AppMobi, Ionic,

Intermediate language (DSL) compilation directions
Intermediate language (DSL) compilation directions: development process requires the use of the particular grammar app code, compile environment to compile the code for the Android/iOS native app, developers do not need to learn Android & amp; IOS native and Java technology, Object - C, C/C + + and other complex development language to complete the app development,

The model of the app engine does not rely on the Webview, but with the help of a Virtual Machine, such as the V8/JSCore engine, through the JS - the Runtime for more complex code logic to meet the interactive processing, communications and state management, at the same time extend and improve the communication mechanism of JS/Native and packaging components and system capacity, achieve full Native rendering, the direction is the continuation of the front-end development system, and guarantee the performance of rendering to the greatest extent, on behalf of the technology for the React Native, Weex,

APICloud new products leading spy

On the road of the evolution of cross-platform development technology, APICloud like this rapidly changing era, never stop the pace of progress; In 2020, APICloud DeepEngine after years after subsoiling is blockbuster released new version 3.0, this version can support both [mixed] and [intermediate language compiler] two modes, free choice in the same APP allows developers to use one of the ways to develop,

A new DeepEngine use full translation principle, Javascript will be compiled to Native API, provide completely Native APP experience and performance,

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