Android to the bottom of the screen there are three key
Return key, home button, menu (? Don't know right)
When users click on the menu, how to respond to this event,
Found that high version (8.0) in the android, onkeyDown, dispatchKeyEvent can capture this event,
OnPause, onStop events such as though will be set out, but when the images and jump can also be triggered, cannot and press the menu button to separate zones,
Brainstorming, don't know you have what good method,
CodePudding user response:
Try reference under this post Utm_medium=distribute. Pc_relevant_bbs_down. None - task - blog - baidujs - 3. Nonecase& Depth_1 - utm_source=distribute. Pc_relevant_bbs_down. None - task - blog - baidujs - 3. Nonecase
CodePudding user response:
reference 1st floor usecf response: try reference under this post Utm_medium=distribute. Pc_relevant_bbs_down. None - task - blog - baidujs - 3. Nonecase& Depth_1 - utm_source=distribute. Pc_relevant_bbs_down. None - task - blog - baidujs - 3. Nonecase This in low version, Online to find the basic is the solution, But in high version is not working, CodePudding user response:
Android8.0 and basic it is full screen + 9.0 virtual navigation gestures, huh? You said these three buttons, is refers to the virtual navigation buttons? CodePudding user response:
reference le540850072 reply: 3/f Android8.0 and basic it is full screen + 9.0 virtual navigation gestures, huh? You said these three buttons, is refers to the virtual navigation buttons? Yes, the return key on the left, middle home button can be detected, but on the right side of the square of the menu (? Is it called this name), press events don't know how to monitor, Do you have way? CodePudding user response:
reference 4 floor vovo2000 response: Quote: reference le540850072 reply: 3/f Android8.0 and basic it is full screen + 9.0 virtual navigation gestures, huh? You said these three buttons, is refers to the virtual navigation buttons? Yes, the return key on the left, middle home button can be detected, but on the right side of the square of the menu (? Is it called this name), press events don't know how to monitor, Do you have way? I Chou Chou, I also did not concern, CodePudding user response:
Looked at it and if can do it, what do you Chou Chou, CodePudding user response:
Should ok, the keyCode to be typed in the onkeyDown, may the keyCode of different system is different, CodePudding user response:
refer to the eighth floor haha_321 response: should be ok, the keyCode to be typed in onkeyDown look, may be different different systems of keyCode, Not tried, onkeyDown itself did not trigger, CodePudding user response:
How to respond to menu click events, continue to wait for is predestined friends the human, CodePudding user response:
Alas, few CSDN, given the more prosperous, and are, CodePudding user response:
I tried the onkeyDown undetectable home button, point out, the other two can be detected CodePudding user response:
refer to 12th floor stand green _ response: I tried the onkeyDown undetectable home button, point out, the other two can detect On my android 8.0, the onkeyDown three key cannot be detected, Could you tell me you use the Android version is how much, CodePudding user response:
reference 13 floor vovo2000 reply: Quote: refer to the 12th floor of green _ reply: I tried the onkeyDown undetectable home button, point out, the other two can detect On my android 8.0, the onkeyDown three key cannot be detected, Could you tell me you use the Android version is how much ah, Android10, miui12 CodePudding user response:
on the 14th floor of green _ reference reply: Quote: refer to the 13th floor vovo2000 response: Quote: refer to the 12th floor of green _ reply: I tried the onkeyDown undetectable home button, point out, the other two can detect On my android 8.0, the onkeyDown three key cannot be detected, Could you tell me you use the Android version is how much Android10, miui12 May be related to the machine? Search on the net a lot of articles, found that very few people have the requirement of the detector the three buttons, few people ask this question, and seldom related articles, CodePudding user response:
This is a virtual buttons, do you want to monitor outside the APP? My train of thought is the background service long term job, then there should be a way to listen to the three virtual buttons, but also related to hide the Settings of the kind of virtual buttons, don't remember how to write, but there are ways CodePudding user response:
The reference 7 floor le540850072 response: looked at it and if can do it, what do you Chou Chou, I also didn't go to try to read the two articles, all is the use of radio listening, you can try to line no, The references to the tenth floor vovo2000 response: how to respond to menu button click event, continue to wait for is predestined friends the human, The reference 7 floor le540850072 response: looked at it and if can do it, what do you Chou Chou, I tried it on, the method that the link is possible, why don't you try? CodePudding user response:
11 references vovo2000 response: alas, few CSDN, given the more prosperous, and are, The man is gone? I feel this BBS platform is good the dalai, this BBS is the most active BBS? I also saw some people on the phone qq, WeChat sharing problem, but a mobile phone operation, the efficiency is too low, too, efficient office must be computer end, CodePudding user response: