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WeChat small program error


Always read the property 'length of undefined; The at App getConfig function; At the API request success callback function
TypeError: always read the property 'length of undefined

The code
 getList function () {
Var I=this.
A. oading (), enclosing setData ({
Loading:! 0
}), atul gawande et (" wemecms/merch/get_list ", {
Page: this. Data page,
Cateid: this. Data. Cateid,
Keyword: this data. The keyword,
Lat: this data. Mypos. Lat,
LNG and LNG: this data. Mypos.
Range: this. Data. Range
{}, the function (t)
Var e={
Loading:! 1,
Total: t.t otal,
Pagesize: t.p agesize,
Cates: tc ates,
Disopt: t.d isopt
0 & lt; T.l ist. Length & amp; & (e.p age=i.d ata. Page + 1, e.list=i.d ata. List the concat (t.l ist),
T.l ist. Length & lt; T.p agesize & amp; & (e.l oaded=! 0), i. etSpeed (t.l ist)), i. etData (e),
A.h ideLoading ();
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