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WeChat scan ios cannot call after call alert


Wx. ScanQRCode ({
NeedResult: 1,//the default value is 0, the scan results by WeChat processing, 1 is returned directly scan results,
ScanType: [" qrCode ", "barCode"],//you can specify scan qr code or one dimension code, the default both have

Success: the function (res) {
Var result=res. ResultStr;//when the needResult for 1, sweep code returned results
////alert (" 0: "+ result. Slice (16));
Var op=result. IndexOf (', ');
Var code=result. Substr (op + 1, result. Length);
//var fwcodelength=code. IndexOf ('=');
//code=code. Substr (fwcodelength + 1, code length);
//$(" # Code_input "). The val (code);
//$(" # Code_input "). Click ();
Alert (123);

Fail: function (res) {

JS invoked is

Very strange android normal
IOS can't call

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