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About android phones under the virtual camera


The final demand is a prerecorded video, replace the camera input, as video chat content to the end,
The initial idea:
1) to develop a virtual camera app, similar to the PC virtual camera app playing in the background video, and shielding camera;
2) is now an external USB camera, most cell phone support OTG can modify android the underlying configuration, let OTG camera become the default camera?
Please give some advice, how to do a more reasonable? Or is there other way? Thank you very much!

CodePudding user response:

Hello, I'm study system video replaced, but I want to directly modify the system source code, recompile the cover of the original library, of course, compatibility can be a problem, will have the opportunity to communicate add my QQ: 3617, 28654

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor jiqizaisikao response:
hello, I'm study system video replaced, but I want to directly modify the system source code, recompile the cover of the original library, of course, compatibility can be a problem, will have the opportunity to communicate add my QQ: 3617 28654

Are you still study this? Add your qq was rejected

CodePudding user response:

1, have an almost don't need to how much technical solution, then is the simulator video voice replacement, but some trouble and trival

2, go deep into the application layer, directly find the interface to send and receive video, need certain adverse work

Complement in 2017.03.16: I have three friends find communication before and after this things, I finally decided to thoroughly solve the problem, in theory, we can divide a lot of kinds of many kinds of ways to solve this problem, it is for any app can replace,

1: there is no root of the machine, we modify to replace video related interfaces in each app jni layer or Java, the time-consuming, laborious and not common, but also at any time by the host program to detect the risk of incomplete,

2, there is no root of the machine, we use the method of virtual launch third party app, the similar LBE parallel space, the early stage of the need to do huge effort, but once the framework, so any app can run under this framework, so changes and modify the Java method, follow one's inclinations,

3, after the root of the machine, we can load drive or recompile the system library, finally I use this way, it can guarantee the maximum reduction of app running real scene, not cause any interference, the test results show that the effect is good, for QQ video application can be replaced, such as the video system at but for failed to replace, so I estimate system video 2-3 path,

Complement in 2017.03.23: after days to check the source code, found 90% of basic video interface, we can found that android for video recording of some design: if you want to get there is the video recorded, then android will completely abandon speed considerations, and the layers of packaging, you need to do is send a recording and save the video instructions (as for the file is saved can be done directly in the service is not clear), if you want to be in video playback time processing every frame image, and even add filter, so the android give you prepare a set of press close to the bottom of the way, because the amount of image data is too big, so try to avoid repeatedly move and copy, android will select some of the points on the eve of image painting as inserts, to meet your needs, and ensure that path is the path of the whole play, don't add new path,

补充于2017.04.05:基本上已经解决了所有的视频替换的问题,不过有一点遗憾的地方就是对于一些人脸认证的app虽然后台的视频已经替换了,但是显示的还是真实的图像,后来我估计是因为这些认证app为了保证兼容性,而用了android录像最古老的方式(系统自带相机功能都不用这套机制了),用surface holder 来承载录像的功能,虽然叫holder,但是却没能hold,整个视频预览的数据虽然经过了app,但是这绝对仅仅是路过而已,可以让app窥探一下,但是绝不允许你修改,仅仅是能共享读而已,但是话又说回来,既然仅仅是路过,就说明android完全没有想过视频数据被app修改而必须同步的问题,所以直接经过service与摄像头打交道,保证最佳的预览速度,那holder所hold的是什么,应该是hold了录像的参数设置,就是说你可以hold摄像机的参数,hold拍摄的图像大小,帧率,格式,但是因为早期的硬件问题,这套机制就是用来快速预览视频的,要想替换这个预览显示,应该必须修改service的代码,当然修改驱动也是可以的,但是对于没有源码的机器这两者的修改都要慎重,不仅仅是兼容性的问题,而且不小心就启动不了机器,

This is my Chinese prickly ash on the legend of the condor heroes, voice is also the basic synchronization
Please add my friend in Europe, the number of your ads too much,

CodePudding user response:

Through, please. Thanks

CodePudding user response:

My small white, don't know anything about the android framework, but, for video in the android software to make friends, use a real camera, I had the actual operation,
Android virtual machine in the PC, PC system with virtual camera, like vcam can projection images, so the desktop, or video, such as
I think, mobile phone number no cocoa android hardware system expansibility, so, if not the root, the virtual camera cannot be achieved, even if achieved, take the address of a real camera, to change is to error prone,
My train of thought is that sit under an android android simulator, use the simulator run social video software, add a shell, think how change can be easily, can bypass the root at the same time,
Android android simulator is a shell, just link to the software and system, just in the camera link, link to virtual camera,

CodePudding user response:

This technology has been achieved, there are want to continue to understand the effect and purpose of penguin buddy can add three 9 0 3 8 9 2 view space

CodePudding user response:

Currently has achieved virtual video phone millet millet 2 2 s virtual video mobile phones 4 virtual video millet millet mobile phone camera replacement android camera replacement

CodePudding user response:

Provide the technology, need to add me as a bmwxiaojian

CodePudding user response:

Last year made a flash package, 2 s and 4 meters for millet, video is in/sdcard/my/34 mp4, after changed hands, the Internet has been flooding, a lot of information on baidu has been copied into the experience, such as baidu baidu question and answer, personal website, is a small tragedy, now only a little message is can see clue from the time,

CodePudding user response:

Then built a virtual video app, of course, do not secure, and is the man also on the baidu relevant page, the app to support mobile phone, but there are still a lot of mobile phone can't use, more than 7.0 and the system can't use,

CodePudding user response:

This I temporarily can only achieve some phones available on the app, compatibility is not very good, also can real-time video switching several prepared, but unable to effectively detect the user use state, if be used to brush a face, etc, may cause bad effect, if you want to exchange can add me: 3617, 28654 to join, please specify the purpose, because advertising is too much,

CodePudding user response:

Seems this function is to make some alternative USES

CodePudding user response:

For this purpose is questionable

CodePudding user response:

The motivation of suspect, not the root is not easy;

Pay treasure to brush a face, for example, pay, brush face unlock applications;

CodePudding user response:

Android also has a virtual camera software on only recently discovered, and also to QQ video to

CodePudding user response:

The root system of pure software can achieve, can take a look at this, https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bDlVKItp9clFFb7Je2WabA

CodePudding user response:

Like the app is there a better general version of the

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor jiqizaisikao response:
hello, I'm study system video replaced, but I want to directly modify the system source code, recompile the cover of the original library, of course, compatibility can be a problem, have the opportunity to add my QQ communication: 3617 28654
can add your friends? Qq to add you for a long time

CodePudding user response:

You can refer to this: https://blog.csdn.net/u011818582/article/details/106213237
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